Search for business information
  • Total number of approved bidders on the national bidding network collected: 195,876.
  • - Number of contractors who have not paid fees: 132,807.
  • - Number of contractors who have paid fees but are currently expired: 14,673.
  • - Number of active contractors: 81,486.
  • - Number of bidders who participated in at least 1 bidding package (bidding regardless of winning or failing, being appointed...): 99,647.
  • Please login or register (if you don't have an account) to be able to look up this list.

[Total: 24,555]

Contractors with occupation Sale of cars and other motor vehicles

# Business Tax ID: 5701873001

Province / city: Quảng Ninh

Address: Số 9 - Đường Hạ Long, Bãi Cháy Ward, Hạ Long City

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# Business Tax ID: 0110922705

Province / city: Hà Nội

Address: Số Nhà 04, Dãy B1, Tổ Dân Phố Z179, Tứ Hiệp Commune, Thanh Trì District

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# Business Tax ID: 0108681837

Province / city: Hưng Yên

Address: Số Nhà 07 Phố Cúc, Khu Đô Thị Ecopark, Xuân Quan Commune, Văn Giang District

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# Business Tax ID: 5801516853

Province / city: Lâm Đồng

Address: Số 180 Hùng Vương, Khu Phố KoYa, Đinh Văn Town, Lâm Hà District

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vn0106033728 ACD FOOF.,JSC

# Business Tax ID: 0106033728

Province / city: Hà Nội

Address: Số 24 Ngách 87, Ngõ Anh Sơn, Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì Ward, Nam Từ Liêm District

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# Business Tax ID: 0110727736

Province / city: Hà Nội

Address: 103 Tỉnh Lộ 419, Liên Quan Town, Thạch Thất District

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# Business Tax ID: 5801352468

Province / city: Lâm Đồng

Address: Số 402 Đường 2 Tháng 4, Thôn Nghĩa Lập 1, Thạnh Mỹ Town, Đơn Dương District

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# Business Tax ID: 0110007791

Province / city: Hà Nội

Address: Số 47A Tập Thể Thuỷ Sản, Đường Lê Văn Lương, Nhân Chính Ward, Thanh Xuân District

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# Business Tax ID: 0110080791

Province / city: Hà Nội

Address: Tầng 2 Tòa Nhà HTK 98 Nguyễn Văn Cừ- Bồ Đề- Long Biên- Hà Nội, Bồ Đề Ward, Long Biên District

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# Business Tax ID: 0108326649

Province / city: Hà Nội

Address: Số 3 Ngách 629/10 Ngõ 629 Đường Giải Phóng, Giáp Bát Ward, Hoàng Mai District

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Top contractor who participated the most in the bid

Bid Package
No.: 1
Contractor:PVI Insurance
Bid Package: 6178
No.: 3
Bid Package: 5354



Number of participating contractors by number of bidding packages

There are 63,069 contractor who have not participated in any bidding packages

Contractor who won the most bids

Bid Package
No.: 1
Contractor:PVI Insurance
Bid Package: 4131
No.: 2
Bid Package: 3957

Contractor who lost the most bids

Bid Package
No.: 1
Bid Package: 3931
No.: 2
Bid Package: 2397
No.: 3
Bid Package: 2286
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