Bid search (Finding Bid opportunities, Tenders Notices, Contractor Selection Plans, Investment Development project…)

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Project Announcement

Name of project Project List announced Entity Upload
08:36 13/09/2024
10:25 07/09/2024
11:24 21/08/2024
15:09 13/08/2024
10:29 02/08/2024
10:29 02/08/2024
09:00 01/08/2024
08:54 01/08/2024
17:35 31/07/2024
16:48 31/07/2024
15:37 31/07/2024
15:00 30/07/2024
09:42 30/07/2024
16:07 29/07/2024
14:53 29/07/2024
13:58 29/07/2024
13:55 29/07/2024
13:52 29/07/2024
17:51 26/07/2024
17:17 26/07/2024

Search in: 0.203 - Number of results: 361
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  • 7428 Projects are waiting for contractors
  • 988 Tender notices posted in the last 24 hours
  • 1518 Contractor selection plan posted in the last 24 hours
  • 22411 Tender notices posted in the past month
  • 35156 Contractor selection plan posted in the last month
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