Instructions for receiving money for the first time & activating the official Collaborator mode

If you are eligible to become an official Collaborator of the system, please complete the formal Collaborator registration procedure by sending us a photo CMT and bank account information to us via email:

Instructions for receiving money for the first time & activating the official Collaborator mode

Instructions for receiving money for the first time & activating the official Collaborator mode
Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
Title: Register for Official Collaborator
My name is:
My account on is: 
I have successfully referred a client/ am a VIP customer of and qualified to become an official Collaborator. Recommend to activate the official Collaborator mode for me!
My collaborator's revenue please send to:
My account number:
Account holder:
My personal tax identification number is: (If not already, please specify "not yet")

The amount accumulated by freelance collaborators will also be paid to collaborators as soon as we receive the registration email.

Freelance collaborators have introduced customers successfully will be given 1 free VIP1 package within 1 year worth VND 9.999,000 (if the freelance Collaborator account has not used this package). The VIP1 package given to the Collaborator will be activated when the Collaborator completes the registration procedure to be an official Collaborator.

The validity period of the official Collaborator will be equal to the validity period of the Collaborator's VIP service package. This means that when Collaborator expires VIP account, Collaborator will be converted to free Collaborator mode.

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