Contact Us
- 0904.634.288, 024.8888.4288
- [email protected]
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Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
This document will provide information on payment methods for contractors. For instructions on registering for VIP packages and paying for created orders, please see the article: Instructions to register for VIP packages
Account number: | 1030056946 |
Bank: | Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - VCB West Hanoi Branch - Nam Thanh Xuan Transaction Office. |
Content: | MST - [Tax ID] - Thanh Toan - [Name of the registered software package (VIP1, VIP2...)] |
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PayPal is an online payment application and international money transfer service via the Internet to replace traditional payment methods. With this application, you can make payment for shopping bills easily and quickly through 3 simple steps. Currently, PayPal is supporting payments by debit and credit cards.
See instructions on how to pay via PayPal portal in the article: Instructions for using PayPal payment portal on
If the contractor pays via VNPAY online payment gateway, the order will be processed and the transaction will be activated automatically. In case of payment via other forms, to activate the software, after paying the corresponding fee for the registered service, the contractor should contact the staff who were providing previous support or one of the support channels below. Click here for payment confirmation assistance. After the payment is confirmed, the system will automatically activate the software package for you according to the registered order.
If you have any questions or need further advice, please chat or contact us for assistance.
Bidding Ecosystem Joint Stock Company
Address: 6th Floor, Song Da Mixed-use Building, No. 131 Tran Phu Street, Van Quan Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Hotline: 0904.634.288 hoặc 024.8888.4288
Email: [email protected]
Chat Messenger
You can also chat with support specialists using messenger (Facebook) and visit: or use the chat button right next to it!
After the payment is confirmed by the accountant on the system, the VIP account will be activated for use. will notify the contractor as soon as the account is activated.
Basic bid information lookup package - VIEWEB, PRO1 packages features & price
Domestic tender hunting software - VIP1, VIP2 packages features & price
International tender "hunting" software - VIP1QT, VIP2QT packages features & price
Inspect competitors and bid solicitors - VIP3 Package features & price
"Hunting" for contractor selection results - VIP7 package feature & price
Investors digital assistant in the 4.0 era - VIP4 package features & price
Exporting Bidding Results Data to Excel File Format - X1 Package features & price
Unlimited download bidding documents on all browsers - T0 package features & price
Super tool for Vietnamese contractors - SIEUVIP package features & price
Instructions to register to use software (registration of VIP packages)
Price list of digital certificates for organizations and businesses
Real-time bidding data query service - API PRO package features & price