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VIDEO: Guide to Uploading the Shortlist for PPP Projects
To upload the shortlist for a PPP project, users need to follow these steps:
Log in to the National Bidding Network System Portal at:
In the e-Bidding Subsystem - Investor Selection, the user selects PPP Project ⇒ clicks Select Shortlist for PPP Project ⇒ chooses Publicize Shortlist of Prequalification Round.
On the screen Look Up Prequalification Results for PPP Projects, click Create New ⇒ select Online.
On the Enter Prequalification Results for PPP Projects screen, the user selects Search TBMST. You can search by one or multiple criteria, click Search ⇒ click Select to choose the prequalification notice needed.
The user needs to fill in the mandatory information fields. After completing the entry, the user clicks Save the information ⇒ click Upload, upon which the screen will display a successful upload notification.
Above is the guide from on how to upload the shortlist for PPP projects on the new National Bidding Network System with the new portal interface. will continue to update information and guidance for bid solicitors/contractors to participate in bidding on the new National Bidding Network System portal in the easiest way possible in upcoming articles.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact at:
Author: Phượng Hồ Thị Hoa
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