[VIDEO] Guide for Bid Solicitors to Extend the Prequalification Document Submission Date for PPP Projects

Wednesday, 29 November 2023 9:18 AM
In this video, DauThau.info will detail the steps for users (Bid Solicitors) on how to extend the Prequalification Document Submission Date for PPP (Public-Private Partnership) projects on the new National Bidding Network System.
[VIDEO] Guide for Bid Solicitors to Extend the Prequalification Document Submission Date for PPP Projects
[VIDEO] Guide for Bid Solicitors to Extend the Prequalification Document Submission Date for PPP Projects
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VIDEO Guide for Bid Solicitors to Extend Prequalification Document Submission Date for PPP Projects
VIDEO Guide to Extend Prequalification Document Submission date for PPP Projects:

To extend the prequalification document submission date, users need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to the National Bidding Network System at https://muasamcong.mpi.gov.vn/ with the role of Bid Solicitor.

Step 2: On the left e-Bidding Subsystem menu bar, select "PPP Project", click on "Select Shortlist for PPP Project", choose "Issue Prequalification Invitation".

On the "Lookup Prequalification Invitation for PPP Project" screen, click the "Extend" icon on the notice you wish to extend (Image 1).

tra cứu thông báo mời sơ tuyển
Image 1: Lookup Prequalification Invitation for PPP Project Screen

Step 3: On the "Extend PPP Prequalification Invitation for Online Investor Selection" popup, the user must fill in all the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk (*) and click Confirm Extension (Image 2).

The screen then displays a message "Notification number … has been successfully extended" (Image 3).

gia hạn thông báo mời sơ tuyển
Image 2: Extend PPP Prequalification Invitation for Online Investor Selection​​​​​​
thông báo gia hạn
Image 3: Successful Extension Notification
Above is the guide from DauThau.info on how to extend the Prequalification Document Submission date for PPP projects on the new National Bidding Network System. DauThau.info will continue to update information and guidance for Bid Solicitors/contractors to participate in bidding on the new National Bidding Network System portal in the easiest way possible in upcoming articles. Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact DauThau.info at:

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