Domestic tender hunting software - VIP1, VIP2 packages features & price's VIP1 and VIP2 packages are software packages used to "hunt" bidding information, helping contractors to proactively search for bidding packages including tender notices & contractor selection plans (with funding within the scope of Viet Nam bidding law) that fit the requirements and capacity of the contractor. With VIP1 & VIP2, the software works 24/24 to screen, search and proactively send the matched package information to the contractor's email. These are all preeminent features that are unmatched in the market.
Below are all the features of the VIP1 and VIP2 software packages provided by the DAUTHAU.INFO
No Features Packages
Features of hunting public procurement information
1 Browse the list of bidding packages (Including Tender Notice (TN) and Contractor Selection Plan (CSP)) checked checked
2 Use the advanced search function to search for bidding packages checked checked
2.1 Smart search (with TN: search by TN ID, package name, bid solicitor, Project name, Main content of the bidding package, place of document publishing, place of bidding package; With CSP: search by number, name of CSP, project name, bid solicitor, investor) in a single search box. checked checked
2.2 Use one or more parallel search keywords when searching for TN, CSP checked checked
2.3 Use one or more exclusions/required keywords in the TN search checked checked
2.4 Search by posting date checked checked
2.5 Exclusively for TN: Filter by bid method (Online/Offline), field (Goods/Civil Works/Consulting/Non-consulting/Mixed), business type (All/small, micro), bid security amount, bid price,... checked checked
3 Save search results to create filters for later use / Add, edit, and delete filters on demand checked checked
4 View the bid solicitor information checked checked
5 View the list of TN & CSP that come from the same bid solicitor/ procuring entity checked checked
6 Create a filter to search for contractor information that matches contractor requirements and capacity checked checked
6.1 Number of allowed filters (*) 5 5
7 Receive email notifications of newly posted Tender Notice (TN) matching filter criteria checked  
7.1 Optional email sending interval (up to 1 hour/time) checked  
7.2 Allow multiple accounts to use a VIP package together ( ** ) checked checked
8 See full details of the TN, CSP checked checked
8.1 Get rid of large files annoying warning checked checked
8.2 Support downloading bidding documents on Internet Explorer (by default of the public procurement system) checked checked
8.3 Support downloading large files on all modern browsers (no need using of Internet Explorer and Java) **** ****
9 Receive email notifications of newly posted contractor selection plan (CSP) matching filter criteria   checked
9.1 Optional email sending interval (up to 1 hour/time)   checked
9.2 Allow using multiple mailboxes to receive information ( ** )   checked
10 View full details of the contractor selection plan checked checked
11 "Check" the price of any bidding package, even if the price is hidden (***) checked checked
12 Tracking updates of any TN and CSP checked checked
12.1 Maximum number of TN and CSP are allowed to track/follow ( ***** ) 10 10
12.2 Allow redeeming points for tracking an additional number of TN and CSP checked checked
12.3 Points are used to add more TN and CSP tracking 20 20
Features of hunting private procurement information
13 Browse the list of private procurement information on DauThau.Net (project information, contractor selection plan, bid invitation notice, bid opening results, contractor selection results) checked checked
14 All features from number 2 to feature number 6 above are applied to search for private procurement information on DauThau.Net checked checked
15 View all detailed information (including basic and advanced) of project information, TN, and private contractor selection plan on DauThau.Net checked checked
16 Number of sub-accounts receiving private bidding information Unlimited
17 Limit the amount of private bidding information on DauThau.Net received in 01 year Unlimited
18 Number allowed filters to hunt for private bidding information on DauThau.Net 5 5
Price 18,000,000 VND 18,000,000 VND
Registration link Register Register

Notes :
Package VIP1 "Hunting" the Tender Notice via email. VIP2 "Hunting" Contractor Selection Plan via email.
( * ) If you register for multiple VIP packages, the number of allowed filters will be counted separately for each VIP package.
(   ** )In addition to the main account, you are allowed to use 2 additional sub-accounts to access the VIP package. These accounts can search for bidding information on the website, view complete bidding information, and receive Tender Notice via email from the main account’s filters. Conditions: These accounts must be authorized in the business profile on DauThau.Net. If you wish to have more than 2 sub-accounts, you can buy more.
( *** ) Rate according to current statistics: Check the price of over 90% of the bid packages posted.
( **** ) Need to buy more points to be able to use the fast download function, points are calculated per download/size of the document. Alternatively, register for the T0 package for unlimited downloads in terms of number/size.
( ***** ) When the tracking amount of TN and CSP runs out, the contractor buys more with points, after successful tracking, the system will deduct the points from the contractor's existing points fund. .
See also: Service commitment of
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