This article will detail how to quickly download bidding documents on - using modern browsers (FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari...). The feature is expected to greatly assist contractors when downloading and previewing documents quickly without using Internet Explorer - an outdated and buggy Browser
Instructions to quickly download bidding documents on - using modern browsers (FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari...)
Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
Downloading the bidding documents, a phrase that sounds simple, is not a small challenge for all bidders who want to participate in the bidding. Since the portal was born until now, contractors still have to install the outdated Internet Explorer browser and no longer supported by the developer with many minor errors, to download the Tender Notice. This has generally made online bidding ambiguous, contractors are afraid to participate in bidding ...
Understanding this pain of contractors, DauThau.INFO software has developed a modern feature for downloading bidding documents, supporting all browsers, and quick downloading with just 1 click.
So how to quickly download bidding documents on
Currently, there are 2 ways for contractors to download bidding documents on
Method 1: Sign up for T0 package - Download unlimited bidding documents on all browsers.
As the name suggests, this software package will help contractors get the best bidding document downloader on the market today, with unlimited download capacity and support for downloading on all browsers.
After registering for the package, the contractor can quickly download all bidding documents without having to perform steps such as depositing money, buying points, and then spending points to download documents (method 2). But of course, if the contractor does not have an immediate need to use it or is still wondering how the quick downloading feature of works, using points to download is not a bad choice.
Method 2: Spend "points" to download. Bidders follow the steps below to use the quick download score for bidding documents:
1. Log in to DauThau.INFO software. If you do not have an account on DauThau.INFO, you can register as a member on here:
2. After activating the account and successfully logging in, the contractor registers one of the VIP packages here and then topup points to the account according to the instructions.
3. User access the page of the Tender Notice => Scroll down to the section "Bidding Documents" => Here the User can download the bidding documents with Download mode (directly download from the link of portal or Quick Download (with the link provided from (see Picture 1.1). In case the Vip File (download via VIP link) has expired, the software will display a message as shown in picture 1.2.
If the Vip File (download via VIP Link) is not ready for the contractor to download, due to the newly posted application but the software has not been updated, the software will display a message as shown in picture 1.3. The contractor then only needs to wait about 5 minutes to activate the quick download mode.
Picture 1.1: Interface to download bidding documents when Vip File is still within the download deadline
Picture 1.2: The interface to download the bidding documents when the Vip file has expired to download
Picture 1.3: Notify new tenders, pending software for quick loading
4. Contractor clicks on "Restore files for Quick Download" or "Quick Download" to switch to quick download modes. The software will display a notice that the contractor's account will be deducted 30 points as shown in image 2.1 (for expired Vip files downloaded via the Vip link, the notice has the same form). The contractor clicks "OK" to agree, then the quick download interface will appear as picture 2.2, indicating that the quick download mode is ready, you just need to click on the corresponding file name to download (see image 2.2) .
Picture 2.1: Notice of minus 30 points when switching to quick download mode
Picture 2.2: Quick Download is ready
Particularly for Restore files for Quick Download mode, the software will display a message as shown in Picture 2.3, then switch to the quick download interface as shown in Picture 2.4. After waiting for the time to restore the quick download mode, the software will display the quick downloading mode restored as shown in Picture 2.5, now the bidders can quickly download the bidding documents as before Picture 2.6.
Picture 2.3: Clear notice of deduction of points (when you give the order to restore the support for quick loading of bid documents)
Picture 2.4: Clear instructions when the software is running Recovery mode supports quick loading of tenders
If the quick download mode is not ready, the system will tell you to wait another 5 minutes for the software to process. If after 30 minutes, the software cannot handle it, you can download it as usual (normal download mode does not deduct points).
Wish the contractor every success in his work and "Effective bid hunting with DauThau.INFO"