[VIDEO] Guide to Posting Tender Notices for PPP Projects

Wednesday, 29 November 2023 11:01 AM
In today's article, DauThau.info will share the steps to post tender notices for PPP projects on the new National Bidding Network System. Let’s learn how these posting steps are carried out!
[VIDEO] Guide to Posting Tender Notices for PPP Projects
[VIDEO] Guide to Posting Tender Notices for PPP Projects

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Instruction Video on Posting Tender Notices for PPP Projects

Instruction Video on Posting Tender Notices for PPP Projects (Source: National Bidding Network System)

Steps to Post Tender Notices for PPP Projects

Before posting a tender notice for a PPP project, users need to log into the new National Bidding Network System as a bid solicitor. After logging in, the user will follow these steps:

Step 1: Select the e-Bidding Subsystem => Choose PPP Project => Select Preparation, Organization of Investor Selection => Choose Tender Notice.

dang tai thong bao moi thau du an ppp
Picture 1. Select the category of notice inviting bids to post documents

Step 2: Proceed to select Create New => Choose Offline

chọn nguồn nhập thông báo mời thầu
 Figure 2. Choose to create a tender notice offline

Step 3: Under Source for tender notice entry, select PPP Project / Pre-qualification Results / Invitation to Negotiate => Search for Pre-qualification results 

chọn nguồn nhập thông báo mời thầu
 Figure 3. Select the source for tender notice entry as PPP Project / Pre-qualification Results / Invitation to Negotiate.

Step 4: Fill in all mandatory information for the fields marked with an asterisk (*) => Click Continue.

Step 5: In the Bidding Documents tab, select Add Attachment => Click Continue.

thêm tệp đính kèm
Figure 4. Select “Add Attachment” to upload the Bidding Documents to the system

Step 6: Fill in all mandatory information in the required fields (*) => Click Save => Click Publish.

nhập thông tin
Figure 5. Enter required information fields and select save

The above article from DauThau.info has detailed the steps to post tender notices for PPP projects on the new National Bidding Network System. We hope this will assist the bid solicitor during the operation process.
To search for potential contractors suitable for your enterprise’s bidding packages, register now for the VIP3 software package of DauThau.info. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact us immediately via hotline 0904.634.288 - 024.8888.428 or email [email protected] for quick support!

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