Providing information of the tenders which funds are outside the scope of Viet Nam bidding law (WB, ODA, ADB, UNICEF, UNDP...) - VIP5 package features & price

Bidding packages with capital sources outside the scope of the bidding law are posted on the national bidding system (usually the capital of the World Bank, ODA capital, and the capital of the Development Bank. Asia Development (ADB), International Development Association (IDA) - World Bank (WB), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) - World Bank (WB), German Bank for Reconstruction (KfW), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)...

Software name: VIP5 ("hunt" Bidding packages with capital sources outside the scope of the Vietnam bidding law )
Target users: Domestic enterprises that want to participate in bidding packages using budgets outside the state budget.
Cost: 19.999,000 VND/pack/year (Equivalent to $850/year)
Link to Subscribe and pay online (select VNPAY payment gateway to pay by bank account or international card like VISA, MASTER...):

See also: Service commitment of

Introducing the VIP5 package features

Bidding packages using capital sources outside the scope of the bidding law are separated into separate categories on the national bidding system database because the bidding method does not follow the procedures of the Viet Nam bidding law like bidding packages using the state budget. Some contractors only specialize in these bidding packages because in addition to being familiar with bidding methods and high transparency... the disbursement of these packages is very quick and convenient.
After a period of development and testing, DauThau.INFO has access to a database of bidding packages with capital sources outside the scope of the bidding law posted on the national bidding network and officially released the VIP5 package at the end of June 2019. Here are the features of the software:
No Features VIP5 package
1 Explore the list of bidding packages (including the Tender Notice and Contractor Selection Plan for both domestic and international packages; within and outside the scope of Viet Nam bidding law. checked
2 Create and use the software's search filter to search/screen out the bidding packages that are outside the scope of the Viet Nam bidding law posted on the national bidding system. checked
2.1 Smart filtering of Tender Notice (the software will search / filter by Tender Notice ID, package name, Procuring entity, Project name, Main content of the bidding package, Location of receiving documents, and Location of bidding package) checked
2.2 Parallel Search: Use one or more parallel search keywords when filtering Tender Notice data checked
2.3 Use exclusion/required keywords: Use one or more exclusion/required keywords when filtering Tender Notice data checked
2.4 Advanced screening for Tender Notice: Filter by type (Online/Offline), sector (Goods/Construction/Consulting/Non-consulting/Mixed), business type (All/micro, small) ), amount of bid security, and the tender value. checked
2.5 Number of allowed filters (*) 5
3 See full detail of the Tender Notice checked
4 See basic information on procuring entity checked
5 View a list of tender notices & contractor selection plans of the same procuring entity (both domestic and international) checked
6 Receive email notifications of newly posted bidding packages (tender notice) matching search criteria checked
6.1 Email sending interval optional (up to 1 hour/time) checked
6.2 Delegate control allows multiple accounts using the same VIP package ( ** ) checked
Official price
19.999,000 VND
Link to subscribe Subscribe

Notes :
( * ) If you subscribe to multiple VIP packages, the number of filters allocated will be calculated separately for each VIP package.
( ** ) In addition to the main account, you can use 2 additional accounts to use the VIP package, these accounts can look up information on the website, view full information and receive bid information via email from main account filters. Conditions: These accounts must be authorized on the business profile on DauThau.Net. If you want more than 2 sub-accounts, you can buy more.
( *** ) Rate according to current statistics: Check the price of over 90% of the bid packages posted.
See also: Service commitment of
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