Packages price list of software

The super tool is the only product in Vietnam that can simultaneously hunt for public procurement and private procurement. The software currently has 3 packages. Package prices are publicly available for contractors to easily register.
Please click on the package name to view the detailed description and features of the package.


Package name

Price (VND)

For domestic contractors who want to simultaneously hunt for public procurement and private procurement
1 VIP1 - "Hunting" for tender notices of public procurement and private procurement 18.000.000
2 VIP2 - "Hunting" for contractor selection plans of public and private procurement 18.000.000
3 VIP7 - "Hunting" for contractor selection results 7.200.000
Bid's data mining tools
4 VIP3 - Inspect competitors and bid solicitors 18.000.000
5 X1 - Exporting Bidding Results Data to Excel File Format 12.000.000+

  • Product price in VND/year
  • Membership registration and registration to use the software package above is very quick and completely automatic (can register and pay online, and after a successful transaction the software will activate 100% automatically, we do support payment using QRcode, banking, Internet Banking and ATM cards, Visa cards...)
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