Investors digital assistant in the 4.0 era - VIP4 package features & price

VIP4 - Digital assistant for investors in the 4.0 era was developed with the purpose of supporting businesses that need to invest in projects, update investor selection information.

Software name: VIP4 (Digital assistant for investors in 4.0 era)
Target users: Businesses who want to invest in projects.
Cost: 19.999,000 VND/pack/year (Equivalent to $850/year)
Link to register and pay online (select VNPAY payment gateway to pay by bank account or international card like VISA, MASTER...):

See also: Service commitment of

Introducing the VIP 4 package feature

VIP4 inherits the powerful and superior features of VIP1 and VIP2 packages such as proactive filtering, creating smart search filters or automatically updating emails. The difference here, VIP4 is the maximum support software for investors, while the other software packages support contractors. In addition to these outstanding features, VIP4 is also considered to be very comprehensive because the information sent to investors is very complete, from the Project Investment Bidding Notice, Investor Selection Plan, List Newly licensed investment projects,... All included in the VIP4 package.

Here are the features of the software:
STT Feature VIP software package 4
first Reviewing the list of investment packages (Including the Notice of Invitation for Investment (ICT), Investor Selection Plan (IDP) and Investor Selection Result (IMA)) checked
2 Use the advanced search function to search for project investment bidding packages checked
2.1 Smart search (with e-TBMT: search by number of E-TBMT, name of bidding package, bid solicitor, project name, main content of bidding package, location of receiving dossier, location of bidding package; with I-MP: search by number, name of IMP, project name, bid solicitor, investor) in a single search box. checked
2.2 Use one or more parallel search keywords when searching for ITBMT, IMP, and IMP checked
2.3 Use one or more exclusions/required keywords in the search for EIA, EIA, and EIA checked
2.4 Search by post date checked
2.5 Exclusively for EIA: Filter by field (Land use project, PPP project), guaranteed amount and bidding price checked
2.6 Save search results to create filters for later use checked
3 View the basic information of the Notice of Invitation to Bid for Investment, Investor Selection Plan, List of Newly Licensed Investment Projects, Notice of Invitation for Prequalification/Invitation for Interest, Result of Investor Prequalification and Investor selection results checked
4 View information of the soliciting entity checked
5 View the list of investment bidding notices & investor selection plans of the same procuring entity checked
6 Create a filter to search for investor selection information on demand checked
6.1 Number of filters allocated (*) 5
7 See full details of the notice of invitation for investment checked
8 View basic information of the procuring entity checked
9 View full details of investor selection plan checked
ten View full details of newly licensed investment projects checked
11 See full details of the notice of invitation for prequalification/invitation to investors checked
twelfth See full details of investor prequalification results checked
13 See full details of investor selection results checked
14 Receive email notifications that match your search conditions (saved in the filter) about the following types of information: Newly licensed project portfolio, Investment invitation notice, Investor selection plan , Information Notice of invitation for prequalification / invitation to interest , Result of investor prequalification and Investor selection result checked
14.1 Email sending frequency optional (up to 1 hour/time) checked
14.2 Decentralize multiple accounts using VIP package ( ** ) checked
Official price
19.999,000 won
Link to register to use Register

Notes :
( * ) If you subscribe to multiple VIP packages, the number of filters allocated will be calculated separately for each VIP package.
( ** ) In addition to the main account, you can use 2 additional accounts to use the VIP package, these accounts can look up information on the website, view full information and receive bid information via email from main account filters. Conditions: These accounts must be authorized on the business profile on DauThau.Net. If you want more than 2 sub accounts, you can buy more.

See also: Service commitment of
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