Construction planning for Kim Dong district until 2035

Planning description


1. Project name: Kim Dong district regional planning to 2035.

2. Investor: People's Committee of Kim Dong district

3. Survey and planning contractor: Urban Design Research Institute

Planning information


Planning explanation


1. Project name: Construction planning for Kim Dong district, Hung Yen province to 2035.

2. Nature and objectives of the project

a) Properties

It is a district with comprehensive economic development with strengths in tourism, light industry, high-tech agriculture... associated with the approved orientations of the Hanoi Capital Region and Hung Yen Province Region.

Is a district developing tourism and services.

It is an important strategic location for defense and security in the northern region of Hung Yen city.

b) Objective

Specify the Project of Construction Planning of Hung Yen province to 2020, orientation to 2030, vision to 2050; Master plan for socio-economic development of the province and development plans of Kim Dong district to 2020; Urban development program of Hung Yen province for the period 2015-2020, orientation to 2030.

The planning of Kim Dong district contributes to promoting the overall strength, potential and advantages of the locality to promote rapid and sustainable economic growth; develop culture and society; improve the material and spiritual life of the people; ensure national defense and security. Complete the goal of building the district to meet new rural standards before 2020; build Kim Dong district to be rich, civilized, and strive to be among the leading districts of the whole province.

Proposing the development of urban systems and concentrated rural residential areas on the basis of exploiting the advantages of Kim Dong district, promoting the development of key economic sectors. Proposing the allocation of space for agricultural development, industrial construction, tourism - services, social infrastructure systems, organizing traffic development and distributing technical infrastructure works, organizing sustainable environment in urban and rural areas.

To serve as a legal basis for implementing and managing urban planning, rural construction planning, industrial planning, tourism - services, agricultural areas, and sectoral planning; to serve as a premise for attracting investment for development in the district.

4. Scope of planning boundaries

The scope of Kim Dong district construction planning includes the entire natural area according to the administrative boundaries of Kim Dong district. The specific locations are as follows:

North borders: Khoai Chau district and An Thi district.

South borders: Hung Yen City.

East borders: An Thi district and Tien Lu district.

West: Phu Xuyen District, Hanoi City.

5. Population and land size

a) Population: Current population is about 113,858 people.

+ Forecast by 2025 about 127,860 people.

+ By 2035 about 147,800 people.

- Urbanization rate by 2035 is about 30%.

b) Land: Total area of ​​the district is about 10,332.01 hectares, of which:

+ Agricultural land: 7,057.01 ha, accounting for 68.31%

+ Non-agricultural land: 3,234.15 ha, accounting for 31.30%, with residential land covering an area of ​​912.78 ha.

+ Unused land: 40.41 ha, accounting for 0.39%.

- Expected urban land standard: 150 - 170 m2/person.

- The scale of urban construction land by 2020 is about 1,200 hectares and by 2035 is about 1,700 hectares.

Land use planning of Kim Dong district in stages:

Land use planning of Kim Dong district in stages:



Status 2017

Forecast 2025

Forecast 2035

Area (ha)

Rate (%)

Area (ha)

Rate (%)

Area (ha)

Rate (%)


Population (people)





Construction land








Residential land








Residential land








Public land








Commercial and service land








Agricultural wholesale market land








Land of education








Land for trees and sports








Traffic land








Non-civil land








Land for building agency headquarters








Land for building headquarters of career organizations








Land for non-agricultural production and business








Industrial park land, small industry








Land for production of construction materials and pottery








Land for technical infrastructure








National security land








Land of religion and belief








Cemetery land








Other land








Agricultural land, aquaculture








River, water surface








Unused land







Natural land area of ​​the whole district







6. Regional spatial development orientation

Proposing 3 spatial development zones, in the direction of both connecting with the overall development of Hung Yen province and effectively utilizing the potentials of the area, with zones such as:

a) Zone 1: Includes: (1 town and 3 communes) Luong Bang town, Nhan La, Vu Xa, Hiep Cuong communes.

Area scale: 2,357.87 ha.

Current population: 26,994 people.

Planned population size 2035: 40,000 people.

Development orientation:

- Luong Bang urban development is the core of development of Zone 1 in particular and Kim Dong district in general, the future development direction of the town is to the East and South of the existing urban area.

- Luong Bang urban development aims to take advantage of the highway connecting Hanoi - Hai Phong and Cau Gie - Ninh Binh.

- Arrangement of clean industrial park in the East of the subdivision

- Planning of public and mixed areas.

- Proposing the Northern agricultural wholesale market as a driving force for economic development.

- Developing eco-tourism areas.

- Developing clean industry.

- Upgrading social and technical infrastructure for all urban and suburban areas in the sub-region.

- Renovation and beautification of existing urban and village areas.

- Harmonious development between urbanization and protection, adapting to climate change.

b) Zone 2: Includes: (5 communes) Toan Thang, Nghia Dan, Vinh Xa, Pham Ngu Lao, Chinh Nghia communes.

Area scale: 2,931.95 ha.

Current population: 36,305 people.

Planned population size 2035: 42,800 people.

This is an area with favorable conditions such as relatively flat terrain, convenient infrastructure such as transportation, irrigation, electricity, postal and telecommunications networks.

Development orientation:

- Forming the Toan Thang - Nghia Dan urban area towards developing into a town with urban level IV. The Toan Thang - Nghia Dan urban area will be the driving force for the development of the northern area of ​​Kim Dong district.

- Continue to complete industrial parks and clusters in zone 2 towards clean, friendly and environmentally friendly industrial types.

- Developing agriculture with high technology increases product value and attracts tourists.

- Upgrading social and technical infrastructure for all urban and suburban areas in the sub-region.

- Renovation and beautification of existing urban and village areas.

- Harmonious development between urbanization and protection, adaptation to climate change.

c) Zone 3: Includes: (8 communes) Tho Vinh, Dong Thanh, Phu Thinh, Song Mai, Hung An, Mai Dong, Ngoc Thanh, Duc Hop.

Area scale: 5,042.19 ha.

Current population: 50,559 people.

Planned population size 2035: 65,000 people.

This is an area with favorable conditions such as relatively flat terrain, infrastructure such as transportation, irrigation (with the Red River flowing through), convenient electricity and postal and telecommunications networks...

Development orientation:

- Forming Tho Vinh urban area towards developing into a town with urban level IV. Tho Vinh urban area will be the driving force for development in the northern area of ​​Kim Dong district.

- Continue to complete industrial parks and clusters in zone 3 towards clean, friendly and environmentally friendly industrial types.

- Developing agriculture with high technology increases product value and attracts tourists.

- Upgrading social and technical infrastructure for all urban and suburban areas in the sub-region.

- Renovation and beautification of existing urban and village areas.

- Harmonious development between urbanization and protection, adaptation to climate change.

7. Development orientation for urban areas

a) Development orientation of Luong Bang Town (belonging to zone 1)

- Urban classification: Type IV urban area.

- Properties:

+ Is the political, administrative, economic, cultural, social and scientific and technical center of Kim Dong district.

+ Build Luong Bang town as the center and driving force for development of Kim Dong district.

+ Is an important traffic hub of Hung Yen province.

- Area scale: About 1,070 hectares.

- Current population 2017: 15,257 people.

- Forecast population by 2035: 30,000 people.

b) Urban development orientation of Toan Thang - Nghia Dan (belonging to sub-zone 2)

- Urban classification: Type V urban area.

- Properties:

+ Are administrative units of Kim Dong district, including main functional areas: Residential areas, public works - commercial services, green sports areas...

+ Build Toan Thang - Nghia Dan town as the center and driving force for development of Kim Dong district in the North.

+ Is an important traffic hub of Hung Yen province.

- Area scale: About 315 hectares.

- Current population 2017: 14,190 people.

- Forecast population by 2035: 22,000 people.

c) Urban development orientation of Tho Vinh (belonging to zone 3)

- Urban classification: Type V urban area.

- Properties:

+ Is a residential area, cultural center, commercial services... of Kim Dong district to the West.

+ Orientation to build new residential areas, commercial centers, sports green areas...

+ And Tho Vinh town is also an important traffic hub of Hung Yen province.

- Area scale: About 230 hectares.

- Current population 2017: 6,324 people.

- Forecast population by 2035: 15,000 people.

8. Planning orientation of Urban development area

- Urbanization rate by 2035 is about 30%.

- Forming 3 Urban Development Areas:

+ Luong Bang Town (Type IV Urban Area) (Towards developing into a town in the future).

+ Toan Thang Town - Nghia Dan (Type V urban area).

+ Tho Vinh Town (Type V Urban Area).

- With 3 urban development areas, creating balanced development momentum for residential areas of the district.

Luong Bang town continues to develop, becoming the administrative, political, cultural, urban center... of Kim Dong district.

Toan Thang - Nghia Dan urban development creates momentum for the northern area of ​​the District. Tho Vinh urban area also becomes the driving force for the western development of Kim Dong District.

9. Orientation of technical infrastructure system planning

9.1. Traffic infrastructure orientation

a) Foreign transportation, including:

- The route connecting the two expressways Hanoi - Hai Phong and Cau Gie - Ninh Binh: urban grade I road scale, total road cross-section width 80m.

- National Highway 39A: Is the main traffic axis of the district, cross-section scale according to the province's traffic planning.

- National Highway 38: Scale according to grade III road standards with 2 lanes.

- Provincial Road DT.377: Connects the central urban area to the Eastern and Western regions (towards Hai Duong). Scale according to grade II road standards with 4 lanes.

- Provincial road DT.378: Connecting the new urban area in the West with National Highway 39A. Scale according to level IV road standards with 2 lanes.

- Build a new bus station in Toan Thang commune that meets the minimum standards of a type 5 bus station.

- Dredging the waterways on Cuu An River and Dien Bien River to meet level 5 river standards to ensure the circulation of 150-ton ships.

b) Internal transportation

Upgrading and renovating district roads to meet grade IV road standards, acting as inter-regional roads connecting 3 new urban areas with agricultural production areas and rural residential areas, and connecting with the external road system.

Upgrading, renovating and building new main routes of urban areas and industrial parks. Estimated cross-section size is 23 - 62m.

Upgrading and renovating combined with building new regional road networks that connect functional areas with main urban roads, with basic directions parallel and perpendicular to the main roads to form a grid grid. The expected cross-section scale is 13.5 - 24m.

c) Traffic works

- Building a bus station in Toan Thang commune area that meets level V bus station standards.

- Build concentrated parking lots in public, commercial, service areas, and green parks with areas depending on each area.

9.2. Technical preparation orientation

a) Select the minimum controlled construction elevation

Based on the terrain, water level warning levels of rivers affecting the research area, current construction elevation in the area and actual investigation, select the control construction elevation as follows:

- For existing towns and villages: Keep the existing foundation. It is recommended that if the existing foundation is < alarm level III, when possible, the foundation should be raised to > MN(III) + 0.3m.

- For newly planned construction areas:

Flood affected area:

+ Minimum controlled ground elevation for civil use = MN (III) + 0.3m.

+ For newly built public works (municipalities, schools, power stations...): minimum controlled ground elevation = MN (III) + (0.7-1.0)m.

+ For planned industrial zones: Minimum controlled ground elevation = MN (III) + (1.0-1.5)m.

+ For district roads, if any road has elevation < MN (III), there should be a project to upgrade to > MN (III) + (0.5 + 0.7) m.

Note: MN(III) is the water level of level III alarm. Because the rivers have large slopes, the water level at each location will be different.

b) Source of fill soil: Fill soil can be exploited from dredging streams or from leveled soil. However, when exploiting fill soil, it is necessary to reach an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and local authorities.

c) Foundation and drainage work for renovated and newly built areas (towns):

In the new construction area, the selected elevation is in harmony with the existing elevation of the stable construction, ensuring quick drainage to avoid local flooding in the surrounding area.

- Zone 1: Boundary includes 3 communes and 1 town: Luong Bang town, Nhan La commune, Vu Xa, Hiep Cuong.

Controlled ground leveling elevation Hxd ≥ 3.2m; sloping towards rivers and drainage canals in the area. This area has relatively flat terrain, favorable for construction, elevation from 1.6-3.0m.

- Zone 2: Boundary includes 5 communes: Toan Thang, Nghia Dan, Vinh Xa, Pham Ngu Lao, Chinh Nghia.

The controlled ground leveling elevation Hxd ≥ 3.2m; sloping towards rivers and drainage canals in the area. This area has an elevation <3.0m; convenient for building new residential areas, convenient connection for traffic and surface drainage thanks to its proximity to major rivers such as Dien Bien, Kim Nguu, Truong Dia.

- Zone 3: Boundary includes 8 communes: Tho Vinh, Dong Thanh, Phu Thinh, Song Mai, Hung An, Mai Dong, Ngoc Thanh, Duc Hop.

Controlled ground leveling elevation Hxd ≥ 3.2m; slope towards rivers and drainage canals in the area. This area has an elevation of > 3.0m. The urban construction area is located inside the dike, so it is convenient for construction and avoids being affected by floods. Industrial cluster: Hxd ≥ 3.2m; slope towards rivers and drainage canals in the area

- Rural areas: Leveling is only carried out in old residential areas with an average elevation of 3.0m. Some special areas such as production areas, public functional areas and other construction areas are also oriented to leveling with the average elevation as above.

9.3. Orientation of water supply infrastructure

- Develop a centralized regional water supply system with high reliability of water supply.

Based on the terrain conditions, hydrogeological conditions, infrastructure status, especially the supply capacity of water sources - existing water plants in the area and the spatial development orientation of the District, it is divided into 3 main water supply areas.

Zone 1: Supplied from Hung Long water supply system, raw water supplied to the factory is surface water of the Red River, including the following administrative units: 01 Luong Bang urban area, and 04 communes: Song Mai, Ngoc Thanh, Hiep Cuong, Vu Xa.

Zone 2: Supplied from the Ngoc Tuan water supply system, raw water supplied to the factory is surface water from the Red River, including the following administrative units: 01 town Toan Thang - Nghia Dan and 04 communes Nhan La, Chinh Nghia, Vinh Xa, Pham Ngu Lao.

Zone 3: Water is supplied from the Phu Thinh water supply system, raw water supplied to the plant is surface water of the Red River, including the following administrative units: 01 town: Tho Vinh and 05 communes: Dong Thanh, Phu Thinh, Hung An, Mai Dong, Duc Hop.

- Orientation of water supply pipeline network

Network organization: The general structure of the pipeline network is divided into 3 levels: Transmission, distribution and service. Organized according to the detailed traffic and land use planning until 2035 to estimate connection points, diameters and lengths of transmission and distribution pipelines. At the connection points of distribution pipes to the transmission network, valves, electromagnetic flow meters and data transmission networks are installed.

Calculate the network according to the day of maximum water use and fire during the hour of maximum water use, calculate the network planning according to 2 phases 2025 and 2035. Ensure continuous and stable water supply for the district 24/24 hours a day.

The minimum calculated network pressure is 12m in the most unfavorable areas. Buildings with more than 3 floors must have a local booster pump station.

- Protect water resources.

Protect groundwater from surface water pollution.

Protect surface water sources from human activities and especially from waste, wastewater from concentrated livestock areas, industrial zones and chemicals from agricultural production activities.

Protect and maintain the quantity of surface water resources from being degraded and exhausted: Maintain environmental flows on rivers with the participation of reservoirs in regulating. Improve the water storage and supply capacity of reservoirs, especially water storages.

Protecting the water quality of surface water sources: treating wastewater to meet environmental standards before discharging into rivers. At the same time, maintaining environmental flow reserves to protect aquatic ecosystems in rivers.

Surface water source protection area: Around the water intake point for the water supply system, a sanitary protection area must be maintained: Within 200m from the water intake point upstream and 100m downstream, no construction works that pollute water sources are allowed (no discharge of wastewater, agricultural water, livestock, bathing).

Water plant and water supply station protection area: Within 30m from the foot of the wall of the treatment works, a protective fence must be built around the station area. Inside this fence, no houses, entertainment, living or sanitation facilities may be built.

The minimum water supply pipeline protection area is 0.5m.

9.4. Power supply infrastructure orientation

a) Power source

- Power source for Region 1: Currently, the power source from Kim Dong 110KV Station (2x25MW) will still be used; By 2020, according to Hung Yen Province's power planning, the Kim Dong 2 110/22KV transformer station (2x25MW) will be built, which will be the main source for Region 1 in the future.

- Power supply for Zone 2: Powered from Kim Dong 110KV Station (2x25MW).

- Power source for Region 3: Currently, the power source from Kim Dong 110Kv Station (2x25MW) will still be used; by 2030, according to Hung Yen Province's power planning, the Kim Dong 3 110/22kv transformer station (2x25MW) will be built. This will be the main source for Region 3 in the future.

b) Power grid

- 220KV grid: Double-circuit 220KV line from Kim Dong 220/110KV station to Pho Cao 110KV station with a line length through the district of about 9km;

- 110KV grid: 110KV line, Kim Dong - Pho Cao branch, goes to 110kV Thanh Pho station with a line length through the district of about 1km.

- 110KV line branching from Thuong Tin - Kim Dong - Kim Dong 3 Station to the City with a length of about 6.4km passing through the research boundary.

The entire 220Kv and 110Kv high voltage power grid running through the district must absolutely ensure the safety corridor of the National power grid according to regulations of the electricity industry.

- 22KV grid:

For urban centers and new urban areas, most of the medium voltage grid has been renovated and converted to 22KV voltage level. Newly built medium voltage lines are designed according to the following standards:

+ Design of loop circuits, open operation ensures flexible and continuous power supply, convenient for operation and closing, disconnecting, and protection. 100% backup.

+ This ring network can be supplied with power from 2 110kV transformer stations or from 2 busbars of a 110kV station with 2 transformers. To ensure the development reserve and reserve power supply for loads of other lines in case of incidents, the medium voltage main lines in normal mode are only designed to carry a load of 60 - 75%. Thus, each output line carries a load of no more than 8MW.

+ For central areas and new urban areas with stable planning, it is recommended to use waterproof XLPE underground cables with a general cross-section of ≥ 240mm 2 and make transitional connections.

+ For existing urban areas and residential areas, uninsulated power lines will be used - main line cross-section from 185mm 2 to 240mm 2 , branch lines from 95mm 2 to 120mm 2 to meet electricity needs.

+ Standards for medium voltage grid voltage loss: Medium voltage loop lines, open operation are designed so that the voltage loss at the farthest household does not exceed 5% in normal operating mode and does not exceed 10% in post-fault mode. For radial medium voltage lines, the voltage loss at the end of the line is ≤ 5%.

+ Research on the construction of technical trenches to combine underground medium voltage grids on newly constructed or expanded traffic routes.

- Distribution transformer station: There are 3 types of stations to be implemented:

+ Single-pole station: This is a newly designed station that solves the problem of saving land, urban aesthetics and undergrounding the power grid. This type of station is used to renovate suspended stations that do not ensure urban aesthetics and safe power supply.

+ Built-in station (indoor station): This type of station occupies a large construction area of ​​20-30m2, however, this type of station is very suitable for underground grid development, minimizing the effects of transformers and switching devices on the general aesthetics and safety of power supply.

+ Suspension station: (Limited development)

Regarding connection structure: For underground medium voltage grid areas, transformer stations make transition connections to be able to operate from both sides. For areas where overhead lines still exist, transformer stations make branch connections on the lines.

New urban areas or new residential areas: Using construction stations, project management boards must arrange land in new urban areas to place stations, medium and low voltage lines must use underground cables to ensure urban aesthetics.

Residential areas are relatively stable: Use pole type stations. Suspended transformer stations when renovated to replace machines or increase capacity can be converted to pole type structures.

- Low voltage grid: It is expected that in the central area and new urban areas, the low voltage grid will continue to be underground. The residential area in the current state is expected to be renovated and upgraded, using exposed ABC cables.

- Lighting grid:

The lighting system must be built based on the general planning solution for the research area. The lighting design and selection of lighting equipment are suitable for the urban architectural landscape. In the central area of ​​the city, towns and main streets, the lighting grid is expected to be arranged underground, the village roads and branch roads are renovated and upgraded, using exposed cables on the same poles as the low-voltage grid.

9.5. Orientation of telecommunications and postal infrastructure

a) Transmission network: Planning for new development of optical transmission lines according to criteria.

- Developing new transmission lines to industrial parks, industrial clusters, new urban areas...

- Developing transmission lines on new routes, trunk routes...

- Develop transmission lines to serve newly installed multi-service switching nodes.

- Developing transmission lines to tourist areas, service areas... to serve the needs of entertainment, commerce, tourism...

- Develop transmission lines to areas with high traffic and high demand.

- Develop Ring transmission lines between districts, ensuring information security.

- Increase TVT subscribers

b) Peripheral network: Deploy construction of underground cable sewer infrastructure and peripheral cable network in the area, with priority given to the following areas:

- Town People's Committee area; urban core area; tourist area, area with high aesthetic requirements. Undergrounding cable TV cable network synchronized with the undergrounding of telecommunication cable network. The undergrounding process is implemented synchronously with the construction of infrastructure of sectors (transportation, urban, construction...) in each area. Undergrounding in the direction of sharing infrastructure among enterprises.

- In areas that do not meet the conditions for undergrounding, renovate the peripheral cable network infrastructure (tie the cable system...) to ensure urban aesthetics. In areas where new peripheral cable network infrastructure is being built (residential areas, new urban areas, newly built roads...), bury the entire peripheral cable network infrastructure to subscribers and subscriber clusters. In areas where peripheral cable networks have been built before: Underground the peripheral cable network to the cable cabinet system on roads, streets, and residential areas (underground to subscribers in central areas, areas with high aesthetic requirements), renovate the peripheral cable network system to ensure urban aesthetics.

- Current residential areas: Renovate the peripheral cable network, shorten the service cable distance, bury the peripheral cable network on main transmission lines, trunk lines, and areas with high aesthetic requirements. Make a plan for burying and renovating the peripheral cable network infrastructure in each specific phase and publicly announce it as a basis for businesses to implement.

c) Wireless telecommunications network: Developing mobile information network antenna tower infrastructure in the province applying new, advanced and modern technologies (4G technology, broadband access technology...). Developing the infrastructure of the antenna tower system to receive and transmit signals in the direction of applying new technologies. Developing the antenna tower system to receive and transmit signals using multi-frequency technology. Strongly developing the infrastructure of camouflaged antenna towers to receive and transmit signals.

9.6. Orientation of drainage, solid waste management and cemetery

a) Wastewater drainage:

- Choosing a drainage system:

+ Urban areas:

Newly developed areas without drainage systems use completely separate wastewater drainage systems and centralized wastewater treatment.

In areas where projects have been established, wastewater collection and treatment systems are implemented according to separate projects.

For areas with a common drainage system, build a sewer system, a water separation well to collect wastewater to the treatment plant combined with upgrading and renovating the pipeline.

+ Existing village area: 100% of households must use sanitary toilets, encouraged to use standard septic tanks.

+ Rural residential areas with small and scattered water volumes: build covered ditches, drain water together with rainwater, utilize the system of canals and ditches in the fields; existing ponds and lakes in the fields for biological treatment under natural conditions. Reuse treated wastewater for agricultural purposes.

+ Groups of households raising livestock, poultry and concentrated livestock farms will build biogas tanks, treat waste and collect gas for daily use.

+ Tourist area: Prioritize local wastewater treatment for each project or group of projects using advanced tanks such as improved septic tanks (BASTAF-F), anaerobic filter tanks with floating material layer, anaerobic sludge blanket reverse osmosis tanks (UASB) or modern technology-based block-type biological treatment facilities (JRY) with high efficiency and low space consumption. Wastewater after these tanks will be thoroughly treated by a trench filtration system or reused for watering plants, washing roads, etc.

- Drainage solution:

+ Wastewater drainage system has diameter D300÷D750mm, made of reinforced concrete, minimum slope imin = 1/D.

+ Minimum sewer burial depth is 1m; maximum is 5m to the bottom of the sewer. At locations with sewer burial depth >5m, pump stations are installed to raise the elevation.

+ Pressure sewer line uses galvanized steel pipe, pressure sewer line arranges 2 parallel pipes to ensure safety in operation in case of incident. Pressure pipeline is buried 1m deep.

+ The transfer pumping station uses a wet submersible pump, the station building is built underground and can be combined with a manhole to save land and ensure aesthetics.

- Build 08 wastewater treatment stations to treat wastewater for the entire Kim Dong District.

b) Solid waste (CTR)

Solid waste is collected centrally: Collection vehicles follow a set schedule, stopping at intersections, households bring their solid waste to dump into the vehicles; then motor vehicles come to collect and transport it away. In small alleys and narrow roads, small handcarts can be used for collection, then gathered at a common point, for motor vehicles to transport to the treatment facility.

Improve transportation capacity to make it convenient, fast, hygienic and economical; gradually mechanize transportation and loading and unloading to the highest level to limit adverse impacts on the environment.

c) Cemetery

Do not build cemeteries in urban development areas.

Continue to use centralized cemeteries that ensure environmental sanitation requirements in communes and towns that have been approved for planning and renovated into park cemeteries.

Existing cemeteries do not meet environmental hygiene requirements, burial activities must be stopped, trees must be planted to isolate. People are encouraged to use cremation.



Project management regulations



1.1. Applicable subjects, management assignment

1.1.1. Applicable subjects:

            This regulation applies to all individuals and groups involved in construction activities, implementation of projects, plans and works within the scope of 10,332.01 hectares of the construction planning of Kim Dong district, Hung Yen province, until 2035, scale 1/25,000. All activities must comply with this regulation and relevant legal provisions.

1.1.2. Management assignment:

            Kim Dong District People's Committee and Hung Yen Provincial Department of Construction are responsible for inspecting, supervising and ensuring that construction activities are carried out in accordance with these management regulations.

1.2. Regulations on area and population size

a. Boundary regulations

According to the administrative boundaries of Kim Dong district, with a total natural area of ​​10,332.01 hectares, it is limited as follows:

+ The North borders Khoai Chau district and An Thi district.

+ South borders Hung Yen city.

+ To the East, it borders Tien Lu district and An Thi district.

+ To the West, it borders Phu Xuyen district of Hanoi city.

b. Regulations on area scale

 Total land area of ​​planning area: about 10,332.01 ha

c. Population regulations

- Current population size: 113,858 people

- Forecast population size by 2025: about 127,860 people

- Forecast population size by 2030: about 147,800 people.

1.3. General regulations on management of district spatial development

Region 1: Includes: (1 town and 3 communes) Luong Bang town, Nhan La, Vu Xa, Hiep Cuong communes

Area scale: 2,357.87 ha

Current population: 26,994 people

Planned population size 2035: 40,000 people

Region 2 : Includes: (5 communes) Toan Thang, Nghia Dan, Vinh Xa, Pham Ngu Lao, Chinh Nghia communes.

Area scale: 2,931.95 ha

Current population: 36,305 people

Planned population size 2035: 42,800 people

Region 3 : Includes: (8 communes) Tho Vinh, Dong Thanh, Phu Thinh, Song Mai, Hung An, Mai Dong, Ngoc Thanh, Duc Hop.

Area scale: 5,042.19 ha

Current population: 50,559 people

Planned population size 2035: 65,000 people

1.4. General regulations on management of urban and rural systems

In addition to the current town of Luong Bang, by 2035, the district will form two new towns: Toan Thang - Nghia Dan and Tho Vinh.

1.4.1. Urban development orientation

a. Luong Bang Town

  • Is a type V urban area.
  • Characteristics: It is the political, administrative, economic, cultural, social and scientific and technical center of Kim Dong district.
  • Area scale: 1,070 ha.
  • Population in 2017: 15,257 people
  • Urban population in 2035: 30,000 people.

b. Toan Thang Town – Nghia Dan

  • As a type IV urban area,
  • Characteristics: An administrative unit of Kim Dong district, including main functional areas: Residential area, public works - commercial services, green sports area... Building Toan Thang - Nghia Dan town as the center, development driving force of Kim Dong district in the North.
  • Area scale: 315ha.
  • Population in 2017: 14,190 people
  • Urban population in 2035: 22,000 people.

c. Tho Vinh Town

  • Is a type V urban area.
  • Characteristics: A residential area, cultural center, commercial services... of Kim Dong district to the West. Orientation to build new residential areas, commercial centers, sports green trees... And Tho Vinh town is also an important traffic hub of Hung Yen province.
  • Area scale: 230 ha.
  • Population in 2017: 6,324 people
  • Urban population in 2035: 15,000 people.

1.4.2. Orientation for rural area development

  • For rural areas, the main driving force for developing rural residential areas is to develop small-scale industry and agriculture, build commune centers - rural residential areas to exploit available potentials, create new momentum as a fulcrum for economic development, education, health, culture and social fields for rural areas.
  • The direction of rural population development according to the New Rural Development Program with the general goal of building new rural areas with gradually modern socio-economic infrastructure with reasonable forms of production organization, linking agriculture with rapid development of industry and services; linking rural development with urban areas according to planning, stable society, protected ecological environment; maintained security and order; improving material and spiritual life.
  • Based on reviewing the current status of communes according to 19 issued criteria, paying special attention to building civilized and modern new rural areas according to the National Target Program on new rural construction; integrating programs and projects; mobilizing capital sources, supporting credit capital and mobilizing people's strength on a voluntary basis to build new rural areas; promoting the role of the people as subjects; organizing propaganda according to the viewpoint of "people know, people discuss, people supervise and people enjoy".
  • By 2035, the district's rural residential area system will include 13 communes: Vinh Xa, Pham Ngu Lao, Dong Thanh, Song Mai, Chinh Nghia, Nhan La, Phu Thinh, Mai Dong, Duc Hop, Hung An, Ngoc Thanh, Vu Xa, and Hiep Cuong.
  1. Regulations on location, role, function, scale of social infrastructure and technical infrastructure works of regional and inter-regional nature

1.5.1. Social infrastructure works

a. Northern agricultural wholesale market:

  • Location: in Luong Bang town
  • Role: is the driving force for economic development of Kim Dong district
  • Scale: 80 ha

1.5.2. Technical infrastructure works

a. The route connecting Hanoi - Hai Phong expressway and Phap Van - Cau Gie expressway

  • Location: running along the east side of the design study area.
  • Role, Function: the route plays a role in connecting the two expressways Hanoi - Hai Phong and Phap Van - Cau Gie.
  • Scale: urban grade I road standard with total cross-section width of 80m.


  1. Highway

+ National Highway 39A is upgraded to a cross-section of 44m, acting as the backbone of the traffic system in the NCTK area.

+ Upgrading and renovating National Highway 38 through Nghia Dan commune into an urban road with a cross-section of 24m.

  1. Hung Long Water Plant
  • Location: At Luong Hoi, Luong Bang.
  • Role and Function: Providing water supply for Water Supply Region 1, including administrative units of Luong Bang urban area and 04 communes: Song Mai, Ngoc Thanh, Hiep Cuong, Vu Xa.
  • Scale: Design capacity in 2018: 10,000 m 3 /day; 2025: 10,000 m 3 /day; 2035: 17,000 m 3 /day.
  1. Ngoc Tuan Water Plant
  • Location: In Ta Thuong village, Chinh Nghia commune.
  • Role, Function: Serving water supply for Water Supply Region 2, including administrative units of Toan Thang - Nghia Dan town and 04 communes of Nhan La, Chinh Nghia, Vinh Xa, Pham Ngu Lao. (In addition, serving 02 communes of Quang Lang, Xuan Truc, An Thi district).
  • Scale: Design capacity in 2018 is 9,500 m3 / day; 2025: 9,500 m3 / day; 2035: 15,000 m3 / day
  1. Phu Thinh water supply station.
  • Location: At Phu Cuong, Phu Thinh
  • Role and Function: Providing water supply for Water Supply Region 3, including administrative units of Tho Vinh town and 05 communes: Dong Thanh, Phu Thinh, Hung An, Mai Dong, Duc Hop.
  • Scale: Capacity achieved in 2018 is 1,200 m3 / day; design capacity in 2025: 7,000 m3 / day; 2035: 11,000 m3 / day

1.6. Regulations on protection scope and safety corridors for key works, main technical infrastructure works along regional and inter-regional routes and environmental protection measures

1.6.1. Regulations on protection scope and safety corridors for key works and main technical infrastructure works along regional and inter-regional routes

a. Regulations on the scope of protection of road structures

  • Road protection range:
  • For extra-urban roads: ensure the protection corridor of roads according to the provisions of the Road Traffic Law, Decree No. 11/2010/ND-CP dated February 24, 2010 of the Government on management and protection of road traffic infrastructure and Decree No. 100/2013/ND-CP dated September 3, 2013 of the Government on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of Decree No. 11/2010/ND-CP dated February 24, 2010 of the Government on management and protection of road traffic infrastructure.
  • For urban roads: must comply with red line boundaries and construction boundaries of routes according to approved planning.
  • Waterway protection scope:
  • Comply with the provisions of the Inland Waterways Law No. 23/2004/QH11 and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Inland Waterways Law No. 48/2014/QH13

b. Power supply works

  • Ensure safety corridors for high voltage power lines of 500KV, 220KV and 110KV in the area. Ensure isolation distance for 220KV transformer stations and 110KV transformer stations (according to Decree No. 14/2014/ND-CP of the Government)

c. Water supply works

  • Water source protection area: Around the water intake point for the water supply system, a sanitary protection area must be maintained: within 200m from the water intake point upstream and 100m downstream. No construction works that pollute water sources are allowed, such as: no discharge of wastewater, agricultural water, livestock, bathing or washing.
  • Protection area of ​​water plant and booster pump station: Within 30m from the foot of the wall of the treatment works, a protective fence must be built around the station area. Inside this fence, no houses, entertainment, living or sanitation facilities can be built.
  • Minimum water supply pipe protection area is 0.5m

d. Wastewater collection and treatment works, solid waste management and cemeteries:

  • Wastewater collection and treatment facilities: Regulations on minimum environmental isolation distance:
  • For pumping stations: 15÷25m.
  • For wastewater treatment plant: 10÷1000m.
  • Within an environmentally safe distance, trees must be planted with a width of ≥10m. Within the environmental isolation area, do not build concentrated housing, public works with large crowds, food processing factories, and water points for daily use.
  • Solid waste management facilities: Regulations on environmental sanitation isolation distance are as follows: Sanitary landfills must have protective fences; the green belt outside the fence must have a minimum width of 20m.
  • Cemetery: Environmental sanitation distance to the nearest residential area and public works must comply with construction standards and regulations, specifically:
  • For cemeteries with burials: minimum 1,500m if there is no system to collect and treat water leakage from burials; minimum 500m if there is a system to collect and treat water leakage from burials.
  • For single burial cemetery: minimum is 500m.
  • For burial cemetery minimum is 100m.

1.6.2. Environmental protection measures

  • Environmental protection zoning :
  • Urban and Industrial Development Zone (Development Control)
  • Area for developing eco-tourism, spiritual tourism and high-tech agriculture (improving environmental quality).
  • Water resource protection:
  • Build appropriate drainage and wastewater treatment systems for each area;
  • Circulation connects lakes with rivers, creating reservoirs to replenish groundwater;
  • Control of discharge sources for river basins
  • Air environment protection:
  • Protect green trees and water systems.
  • Establish a green tree system and retaining walls in residential areas, along both river banks, around industrial parks and hospitals.
  • Orientation of clean technology production, gas control in industrial parks and clusters; development of public transport.
  • Encourage people to use natural gas instead of fossil fuels.
  • Soil environment protection:
  • Classify and collect solid waste, plan solid waste collection points at appropriate locations, and control cemetery waste.
  • Increase tree planting in areas at risk of environmental disasters.
  • Propagating and educating people's awareness in waste classification (3R campaign...), socializing waste collection and treatment in the district.
  • Investigate and survey areas with high geological risks (subsidence, landslides...) and do not build on alluvial soil that has been deposited for less than 50 years.
  • Protect ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Building and replicating forest enrichment models on limestone mountains. 
  • Building a forest fire prevention system.
  • Build nature reserves to protect wildlife


Proposing 3 spatial development zones, in the direction of both connecting with the overall development of Hung Yen province and effectively utilizing the potentials of the area, with zones such as:




Region 1: Includes: (1 town and 3 communes) Luong Bang town, Nhan La, Vu Xa, Hiep Cuong communes

Region 2: Includes: (5 communes) Toan Thang, Nghia Dan, Vinh Xa, Pham Ngu Lao, Chinh Nghia communes.

Region 3: Includes: (8 communes) Tho Vinh, Dong Thanh, Phu Thinh, Song Mai, Hung An, Mai Dong, Ngoc Thanh, Duc Hop.


Specific regulations for each area are as follows:

2.1. Spatial development orientation of region 1:

- Including: (1 town and 3 communes) Luong Bang town, Nhan La, Vu Xa, Hiep Cuong communes

- Area scale: 2,357.87 ha

- Current population: 26,994 people

- Planned population size 2035: 40,000 people           


Specific regulations


Management regulations



  • Characteristics: An area focused on urban and industrial development.
  • Main functions:

+ Including the existing town of Luong Bang with the nature of an industrial urban area and industrial logistics services.

+ Multi-industry industrial park, green and clean technology.

+ Agricultural production area: Forming a pilot area for modern and clean agricultural technology.

+ The current village area is renovated and some residential groups have an ecological model with low construction density and high floors.


  • Land area 2,357.87 ha
  • Planned population 2035: 40,000 people

Space organization

  • The project of concentrated agricultural market with an area of ​​over 80 hectares, is a major agricultural product purchasing and exchange hub of Kim Dong district in particular and Hung Yen province in general, moving towards becoming a major agricultural product wholesale market of the inter-provincial region.
  • Luong Bang urban development is the development core of Zone 1 in particular and Kim Dong district in general. The future development direction of the town is to the East and South of the existing urban area.
  • In the town area, a system of public works, commercial services and green spaces, water and sports facilities are organized along with a block-shaped construction form, modern architecture, connected with the central square, urban green space axis.
  • Pilot area of ​​modern and clean agricultural technology. In the agricultural production process, it is a place to select suitable products that can bring high economic value and transfer technology, supporting people in rural areas of the district. This is also a buffer zone between urban and industrial development areas.
  • Forming urban and regional parks and sports green areas on the basis of natural water surfaces.
  • Parks, green areas, and flower gardens are researched and fully exploited the existing water surface space, creating landscape axes combined with walking spaces. Here, recreational activities are arranged to serve many ages.
  • The urban green tree system and residential areas are connected together by a system of street green trees, walking space axes associated with green trees, flower gardens of residential units, residential groups and green trees in construction works. 
  • Newly built residential areas are built with low-rise ecological housing, low construction density, modern architectural form, and encourage the use of local materials.
  • Existing villages are renovated in the direction of supplementing and improving technical and social infrastructure, avoiding losing traditional structural space.
  • Industrial parks are implemented according to separate projects.

Technical infrastructure


  • Comply with traffic planning and land use planning established in approved planning projects.
  • External traffic system: Must reserve enough land and ensure safety corridors according to regulations for the external traffic system identified in the project. Have a plan to set up boundary markers to manage safety corridors according to regulations.
  • Urban road system: must comply with management requirements for urban road systems according to current regulations.
  • There is a plan to establish, appraise, and approve documents for marking urban traffic routes to organize marking on-site, serving construction management and preventing encroachment.
  • Road protection range

 + For extra-urban roads: ensure the protection corridor of roads according to the provisions of the Road Traffic Law, Decree No. 11/2010/ND-CP dated February 24, 2010 of the Government on management and protection of road traffic infrastructure and Decree No. 100/2013/ND-CP dated September 3, 2013 of the Government on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of Decree No. 11/2010/ND-CP dated February 24, 2010 of the Government on management and protection of road traffic infrastructure.

 + For urban roads: must comply with red line boundaries and construction boundaries of routes according to approved planning.

  • Waterway protection scope:

Comply with the provisions of the Law on Inland Waterways No. 23/2004/QH11 and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law.

  • Internal and external traffic routes comply with approved plans, specifically:

a. Foreign traffic:

The route connecting the two expressways Hanoi-Hai Phong and Phap Van-Cau Gie: Implemented according to (the general planning for the construction of the road connecting the two expressways - approved by Decision 175/QD-UBND dated January 13, 2017). Meets urban level I standards with a cross-section of 80m.

National Highway 39A: expected cross-section size is 44m (according to the general planning for the construction of the road connecting the two highways - approved by Decision 175/QD-UBND dated January 13, 2017).

b. Internal transportation:

Upgrading and renovating district roads to meet grade IV road standards

Upgrading, renovating and building new main routes of urban areas and industrial parks. Estimated cross-section size is 25-34m.

Upgrading and renovating combined with new construction of regional road network. Estimated cross-section size 17.5-24m.

c. Static traffic:

Construct centralized parking lots to meet the needs of temporary and regional parking. The specific location and scale of these centralized parking lots will be determined precisely in the planning projects in the next phase.

d. Waterway transport:

Dredging channels on Cuu An River and Dien Bien River to meet level 5 river standards to ensure 150-ton ships can navigate.

e. Red line boundary:

Red line boundaries are determined based on the planned road centerline, road cross-section width and interpolation determined directly on the drawing.

Construction elevation:

  • Controlled ground leveling elevation Hxd ≥ 3.2m; sloping towards rivers and drainage canals in the area. This area has relatively flat terrain, favorable for construction, elevation from 1.6-3.0m.
  • Existing villages in the area are kept at the same built-up elevation, interspersed areas have the current elevation lower than the surrounding built-up elevation, when constructed, they are renovated in the direction of raising the elevation to match the existing stable construction works around and the existing rainwater drainage system, avoiding loss of traditional structural space.

Rainwater drainage:

  • The current area uses a shared drainage system, moving towards semi-private.
  • The area planned for new construction uses a semi-private drainage system.
  • Concentrated Industrial Areas use separate drainage systems.
  • The main drainage direction is to the Cuu An, Dien Bien, Dong Lo, Dong Xa - Tinh Ninh rivers and then to the Red River.

Water supply

  • Restrict and strictly control connection points from main transmission and distribution pipelines. The protection area of ​​the main water supply and distribution pipeline is at least 0.5m. Water plant protection area: Within 30m from the foot of the wall of the treatment works, a protective fence must be built around the station area. Inside this fence, no houses, entertainment, living, or sanitation facilities can be built.

Power supply:

  • The medium voltage, low voltage and lighting grid systems of the urban development area are arranged underground in technical tunnels or technical trenches to ensure urban aesthetics. For each plot of land, RMU cabinets are arranged, from the RMU cabinets, medium voltage branches are built to supply electricity to low voltage stations.
  • This ring network can be supplied by 2 110kV transformer stations or by 2 busbars of 110kV station with 2 transformers. To ensure the development reserve and reserve power supply for loads of other lines in case of incidents, the medium voltage trunk lines in normal mode are only designed to carry 60-75% load. Thus, each output line carries no more than 8MW load.
  • In non-urban areas, medium-voltage, low-voltage and lighting grid systems are arranged above ground along newly planned roads.
  • The low voltage station uses a 22/0.4kV station, the station structure uses a kiosk station, a single-pole station, a construction station, the use of kiosk stations is encouraged to ensure aesthetics, the station location is located in a public green area in the load center. The power supply radius is not more than 300m.
  • Concentrated lighting for administrative areas and traffic routes.

Contact information:

  • Switching and Post Office: Space and premises are used to provide signals and information. The use of internal switchboards in this area is encouraged.
  • Transmission and peripheral network: Arranged underground in tunnels. If technically guaranteed, tunnels can be shared with other infrastructure to ensure urban aesthetics and save land resources. Cable cabinets and cable boxes use compact external panels, arranged close to the construction fence.
  • Transceiver Station (BTS): The location of the transceiver stations is arranged in central areas, the size of the station is suitable to be able to develop into a satellite switchboard. Encourage suppliers and operators to share the transceiver stations.


  • Urban areas: separate drainage system.
  • Rural areas: common drainage system; utilize canals, ditches, ponds, lakes for biological treatment under natural conditions. Gradually build semi-separate drainage systems.
  • Concentrated livestock farm: using biogas tank.
  • Medical center area: separate drainage system.
  • Industrial park: separate drainage system, centralized treatment.

Solid waste management

  • Solid waste in the area is thoroughly classified at source according to its nature; collected and transported to solid waste treatment areas according to regulations.
  • Normal, non-hazardous domestic, medical and industrial solid waste is brought to the province's centralized solid waste treatment area.
  • Hazardous industrial and medical solid waste is collected through separate channels and transported to Thung Dam Gai Waste Treatment Area, Thanh Thuy Commune, Thanh Liem District.
  • Continue to use solid waste collection points according to the new rural planning project.


  • Do not build new burial cemeteries in urban areas; expand burial cemeteries to ensure safe distances for environmental hygiene according to regulations.
  • Existing cemeteries located in urban areas must stop burial activities (burial, cremation...), reorganize to be spacious and clean, and must have green isolation corridors and technical treatment systems to ensure environmental sanitation conditions.
  • The need for cemetery land for burial will be met at the province's centralized cemetery.
  • Encourage people to use cremation.

Environmental protection

  • Water resource protection:
  • New urban areas: construction requires investment in separate water treatment systems for each area, or small-scale septic tank systems before discharging into the urban drainage and water treatment system.
  • Rural areas: invest in building septic tanks to locally treat wastewater and then discharge it into the general drainage system.
  • Industrial clusters must regularly conduct periodic environmental controls to warn and remind facilities.
  • For medical and industrial wastewater: 100% treatment at source and responsibility belongs to the emission unit.
  • Air environment protection:
  • Protect green trees and water systems.
  • Establish a green tree system and retaining walls in residential areas, along both river banks, around industrial parks and hospitals.
  • Orientation of clean technology production, gas control in industrial parks and clusters; development of public transport.
  • Strengthen inspection and take measures to limit construction dust at construction sites and vehicles transporting construction materials and waste. 100% of construction sites must be covered and dust reduction measures applied. Construction materials, waste soil and waste must be transported by specialized vehicles to ensure that they do not fall onto the road.
  • Soil environment protection:
  • Classify and collect solid waste, plan solid waste collection points at appropriate locations, and control cemetery waste.
  • Urban development needs to take into account climate change, environmental risks and disasters. Increase tree planting in areas at risk of environmental disasters.
  • Propagating and educating people's awareness in waste classification (3R campaign...), socializing waste collection and treatment in the district.
  • Investigate and survey areas with high geological risks (subsidence, landslides...) and do not build on alluvial soil that has been deposited for less than 50 years.

Main technical and economic indicators

  • Water supply standards for daily life (Qsh): Urban areas: 120-150 liters/person/day; Rural areas: 80-100 liters/person/day
  • Public water supply standard: 10%Qsh
  • Power supply: 120 –500 W/person
  • Public electricity supply (15-30)% of household electricity load.
  • Drainage:
  • Urban: 120÷140 l/person/day (Collection rate ≥90%)
  • Rural: 100÷120 l/person/day (Collection rate ≥80%)
  • Public, services: 10%Q SH
  • Small industry: 8%Q SH
  • Concentrated industrial park: 25 m 3 / Ha (Collection rate ≥70%)
  • CTR generated: 10% CTRsh
  • Urban: 0.8÷0.9 kg/ (Collection rate ≥90%)
  • Rural: 0.7÷0.8 l/person/day (Collection rate ≥80%)
  • Public, services: 10%Q SH
  • Small industry: 5%Q SH
  • Construction: 25%Q SH
  • Concentrated industrial park: 0.2 Ton/Ha (Collection rate 100%)
  • Cemetery: 0.06Ha/1000 people.


  • Ecological architectural solutions, energy saving and sustainable development. Adapting to existing natural conditions in the area.
  • Apply modern, intelligent scientific technology.
  • Choose architectural solutions, planning, and construction materials that are suitable for local cultural characteristics and sustainable in the long term.
  • Build separate wastewater collection and treatment systems for new construction areas; industrial parks and clusters; tourist areas. Thoroughly treat wastewater according to regulations.
  • 100% of wastewater treatment facilities use septic tanks before discharging into the drainage network.
  • Classify solid waste at source according to its nature, collect and thoroughly treat solid waste according to regulations.
  • Use cremation.
  • Urban development needs to pay attention to climate change; investigate and survey areas at risk of environmental risks and disasters. Increase tree planting in areas at risk of environmental disasters.
  • Periodically monitor soil, water and air environments to take control measures if pollution occurs.
  • Use clean energy instead of fossil energy.
  • Protecting dykes, flood escape corridors, and protection corridors for technical infrastructure routes.


  • Activities affecting traffic safety
  • Construction works violating safety corridors, protection of national defense and security works, relics, technical infrastructure, landscape, environment, etc.   
  • The scale of the project is too small, below current construction standards and regulations.
  • Construction usage indicators are below or exceed current construction standards and regulations.
  • Using heavy vehicles that cause noise, environmental sanitation, and landscape pollution, except for specialized vehicles (fire protection, ambulance, national defense, environmental sanitation...).
  • Industrial development is widespread, without environmental impact assessment reports or environmental protection commitments...
  • Using banned chemicals in agricultural production.
  • Discharge, dump waste indiscriminately into the environment.


2.2. Spatial development orientation of region 2:

Including: (5 communes) Toan Thang, Nghia Dan, Vinh Xa, Pham Ngu Lao, Chinh Nghia.

Area scale: 2,931.95 ha

Current population: 36,305 people

Planned population size 2035: 42,800 people

This is an area with favorable conditions such as relatively flat terrain, convenient infrastructure such as transportation, irrigation, electricity, postal and telecommunications networks...



Specific regulations


Management regulations



  • Characteristics: Forming the Toan Thang – Nghia Dan urban area towards developing into a town with urban level IV. The Toan Thang – Nghia Dan urban area will be the driving force for the development of the northern area of ​​Kim Dong district.
  • Main functions:

+ Administrative and political center of the district in the northern area of ​​the district.

+ Continue to complete industrial parks and clusters in zone 2 towards clean, friendly and environmentally friendly industrial types.

+ Developing agriculture with high technology increases product value and attracts tourists.

+ Including public works at residential unit level, existing village areas that have been renovated and embellished, and some residential groups with ecological models of low construction density and high floors.


  • Land area 2,931.95ha
  • Planned population 2035: 42,800 people

Space organization

- Upgrading social and technical infrastructure for all urban and suburban areas in the sub-region.

- Renovation and beautification of existing urban and village areas.

- Harmonious development between urbanization and protection, adaptation to climate change.

Create a buffer zone between urban and industrial development areas and tourism development areas using green spaces from agricultural areas.

The urban area of ​​Toan Thang - Nghia Dan is renovated and organized in conjunction with the square and the district's cultural and sports center to create a large space for the needs of large gatherings.

Public works in the central area are renovated or newly built with a block-shaped construction form and modern architecture, including the following functions: Conference center, multi-purpose cultural house, gymnasium, cinema, stadium and sports complex...

In front of some important projects, the central area of ​​the park is designed as a meeting square, outdoor performances during holidays or political and cultural activities.

Forming and completing urban and regional parks and sports green areas on the basis of natural water surfaces.

Parks, green areas, and flower gardens are researched and fully exploited the existing water surface space, creating landscape axes combined with walking spaces. Here, recreational activities are arranged to serve many ages.

For the old village area, the renovation is in the direction of strengthening the technical infrastructure system, traffic, green trees and social infrastructure, maintaining the old village structure: low construction density, many gardens, traditional architectural forms. Creating buffer zones between the new high-rise urban development area and the old village area to create a harmonious gradual transition in space as well as solve problems of technical infrastructure.

Newly built residential areas are built with low-rise ecological housing, low construction density, modern architectural form, and encourage the use of local materials.

Other communal house and pagoda relics are restored and managed in terms of architectural form and height and distance of surrounding structures so as not to affect the landscape of the relic site.

Technical infrastructure


  • Comply with traffic planning and land use planning established in approved planning projects.
  • External traffic system: Must reserve enough land and ensure safety corridors according to regulations for the external traffic system identified in the project. Have a plan to set up boundary markers to manage safety corridors according to regulations.
  • Urban road system: must comply with management requirements for urban road systems according to current regulations.
  • There is a plan to establish, appraise, and approve documents for marking urban traffic routes to organize marking on-site, serving construction management and preventing encroachment.
  • Road protection range

 + For extra-urban roads: ensure the protection corridor of roads according to the provisions of the Road Traffic Law, Decree No. 11/2010/ND-CP dated February 24, 2010 of the Government on management and protection of road traffic infrastructure and Decree No. 100/2013/ND-CP dated September 3, 2013 of the Government on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of Decree No. 11/2010/ND-CP dated February 24, 2010 of the Government on management and protection of road traffic infrastructure.

 + For urban roads: must comply with red line boundaries and construction boundaries of routes according to approved planning.

  • Waterway protection scope:

Comply with the provisions of the Law on Inland Waterways No. 23/2004/QH11 and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law.

  • Internal and external traffic routes comply with approved plans, specifically:

a. Foreign traffic:

The route connecting the two expressways Hanoi-Hai Phong and Phap Van-Cau Gie: Implemented according to (the general planning for the construction of the road connecting the two expressways - approved by Decision 175/QD-UBND dated January 13, 2017). Meets urban level I standards with a cross-section of 80m.

National Highway 39A: expected cross-section size is 44m (according to the general planning for the construction of the road connecting the two highways - approved by Decision 175/QD-UBND dated January 13, 2017).

b. Internal transportation:

Upgrading and renovating district roads to meet grade IV road standards

Upgrading, renovating and building new main routes of urban areas and industrial parks. Estimated cross-section size is 25-34m.

Upgrading and renovating combined with new construction of regional road network. Estimated cross-section size 17.5-24m.

c. Static traffic:

Construct centralized parking lots to meet the needs of temporary and regional parking. The specific location and scale of these centralized parking lots will be determined precisely in the planning projects in the next phase.

d. Waterway transport:

Dredging channels on Cuu An River and Dien Bien River to meet level 5 river standards to ensure 150-ton ships can navigate.

e. Red line boundary:

Red line boundaries are determined based on the planned road centerline, road cross-section width and interpolation determined directly on the drawing.

Construction elevation:

  • Controlled ground leveling elevation Hxd ≥ 3.2m; sloping towards rivers and drainage canals in the area. This area has relatively flat terrain, favorable for construction, elevation from 1.6-3.0m.
  • Existing villages in the area are kept at the same built-up elevation, interspersed areas have the current elevation lower than the surrounding built-up elevation, when constructed, they are renovated in the direction of raising the elevation to match the existing stable construction works around and the existing rainwater drainage system, avoiding loss of traditional structural space.

Rainwater drainage:

  • The current area uses a shared drainage system, moving towards semi-private.
  • The area planned for new construction uses a semi-private drainage system.
  • Concentrated Industrial Areas use separate drainage systems.
  • The main drainage direction is to the Cuu An, Dien Bien, Dong Lo, Dong Xa - Tinh Ninh rivers and then to the Red River.

Water supply

  • Restrict and strictly control connection points from main transmission and distribution pipelines. The protection area of ​​the main water supply and distribution pipeline is at least 0.5m. Water plant protection area: Within 30m from the foot of the wall of the treatment works, a protective fence must be built around the station area. Inside this fence, no houses, entertainment, living, or sanitation facilities can be built.

Power supply:

  • The medium voltage, low voltage and lighting grid systems of the urban development area are arranged underground in technical tunnels or technical trenches to ensure urban aesthetics. For each plot of land, RMU cabinets are arranged, from the RMU cabinets, medium voltage branches are built to supply electricity to low voltage stations.
  • This ring network can be supplied by 2 110kV transformer stations or by 2 busbars of 110kV station with 2 transformers. To ensure the development reserve and reserve power supply for loads of other lines in case of incidents, the medium voltage trunk lines in normal mode are only designed to carry 60-75% load. Thus, each output line carries no more than 8MW load.
  • In non-urban areas, medium-voltage, low-voltage and lighting grid systems are arranged above ground along newly planned roads.
  • The low voltage station uses a 22/0.4kV station, the station structure uses a kiosk station, a single-pole station, a construction station, the use of kiosk stations is encouraged to ensure aesthetics, the station location is located in a public green area in the load center. The power supply radius is not more than 300m.
  • Concentrated lighting for administrative areas and traffic routes.

Contact information:

  • Switching and Post Office: Space and premises are used to provide signals and information. The use of internal switchboards in this area is encouraged.
  • Transmission and peripheral network: Arranged underground in tunnels. If technically guaranteed, tunnels can be shared with other infrastructure to ensure urban aesthetics and save land resources. Cable cabinets and cable boxes use compact external panels, arranged close to the construction fence.
  • Transceiver Station (BTS): The location of the transceiver stations is arranged in central areas, the size of the station is suitable to be able to develop into a satellite switchboard. Encourage suppliers and operators to share the transceiver stations.


  • Urban areas: separate drainage system.
  • Rural areas: common drainage system; utilize canals, ditches, ponds, lakes for biological treatment under natural conditions. Gradually build semi-separate drainage systems.
  • Concentrated livestock farm: using biogas tank.
  • Medical center area: separate drainage system.
  • Industrial park: separate drainage system, centralized treatment.

Solid waste management

  • Solid waste in the area is thoroughly classified at source according to its nature; collected and transported to solid waste treatment areas according to regulations.
  • Normal, non-hazardous domestic, medical and industrial solid waste is brought to the province's centralized solid waste treatment area.
  • Hazardous industrial and medical solid waste is collected through separate channels and transported to Thung Dam Gai Waste Treatment Area, Thanh Thuy Commune, Thanh Liem District.
  • Continue to use solid waste collection points according to the new rural planning project.


  • Do not build new burial cemeteries in urban areas; expand burial cemeteries to ensure safe distances for environmental hygiene according to regulations.
  • Existing cemeteries located in urban areas must stop burial activities (burial, cremation...), reorganize to be spacious and clean, and must have green isolation corridors and technical treatment systems to ensure environmental sanitation conditions.
  • The need for cemetery land for burial will be met at the province's centralized cemetery.
  • Encourage people to use cremation.

Environmental protection

  • Water resource protection:
  • New urban areas: construction requires investment in separate water treatment systems for each area, or small-scale septic tank systems before discharging into the urban drainage and water treatment system.
  • Rural areas: invest in building septic tanks to locally treat wastewater and then discharge it into the general drainage system.
  • Industrial clusters must regularly conduct periodic environmental controls to warn and remind facilities.
  • For medical and industrial wastewater: 100% treatment at source and responsibility belongs to the emission unit.
  • Air environment protection:
  • Protect green trees and water systems.
  • Establish a green tree system and retaining walls in residential areas, along both river banks, around industrial parks and hospitals.
  • Orientation of clean technology production, gas control in industrial parks and clusters; development of public transport.
  • Strengthen inspection and take measures to limit construction dust at construction sites and vehicles transporting construction materials and waste. 100% of construction sites must be covered and dust reduction measures applied. Construction materials, waste soil and waste must be transported by specialized vehicles to ensure that they do not fall onto the road.
  • Soil environment protection:
  • Classify and collect solid waste, plan solid waste collection points at appropriate locations, and control cemetery waste.
  • Urban development needs to take into account climate change, environmental risks and disasters. Increase tree planting in areas at risk of environmental disasters.
  • Propagating and educating people's awareness in waste classification (3R campaign...), socializing waste collection and treatment in the district.
  • Investigate and survey areas with high geological risks (subsidence, landslides...) and do not build on alluvial soil that has been deposited for less than 50 years.

Main technical and economic indicators

  • Water supply standards for daily life (Qsh): Urban areas: 120-150 liters/person/day; Rural areas: 80-100 liters/person/day
  • Public water supply standard: 10%Qsh
  • Power supply: 120 –500 W/person
  • Public electricity supply (15-30)% of household electricity load.
  • Drainage:
  • Urban: 120÷140 l/person/day (Collection rate ≥90%)
  • Rural: 100÷120 l/person/day (Collection rate ≥80%)
  • Public, services: 10%Q SH
  • Small industry: 8%Q SH
  • Concentrated industrial park: 25 m 3 / Ha (Collection rate ≥70%)
  • CTR generated: 10% CTRsh
  • Urban: 0.8÷0.9 kg/ (Collection rate ≥90%)
  • Rural: 0.7÷0.8 l/person/day (Collection rate ≥80%)
  • Public, services: 10%Q SH
  • Small industry: 5%Q SH
  • Construction: 25%Q SH
  • Concentrated industrial park: 0.2 Ton/Ha (Collection rate 100%)
  • Cemetery: 0.06Ha/1000 people.


  • Ecological architectural solutions, energy saving and sustainable development. Adapting to existing natural conditions in the area.
  • Apply modern, intelligent scientific technology.
  • Choose architectural solutions, planning, and construction materials that are suitable for local cultural characteristics and sustainable in the long term.
  • Build separate wastewater collection and treatment systems for new construction areas; industrial parks and clusters; tourist areas. Thoroughly treat wastewater according to regulations.
  • 100% of wastewater treatment facilities use septic tanks before discharging into the drainage network.
  • Classify solid waste at source according to its nature, collect and thoroughly treat solid waste according to regulations.
  • Use cremation.
  • Urban development needs to pay attention to climate change; investigate and survey areas at risk of environmental risks and disasters. Increase tree planting in areas at risk of environmental disasters.
  • Periodically monitor soil, water and air environments to take control measures if pollution occurs.
  • Use clean energy instead of fossil energy.
  • Protecting dykes, flood escape corridors, and protection corridors for technical infrastructure routes.


  • Activities affecting traffic safety
  • Construction works violating safety corridors, protection of national defense and security works, relics, technical infrastructure, landscape, environment, etc.   
  • The scale of the project is too small, below current construction standards and regulations.
  • Construction usage indicators are below or exceed current construction standards and regulations.
  • Using heavy vehicles that cause noise, environmental sanitation, and landscape pollution, except for specialized vehicles (fire protection, ambulance, national defense, environmental sanitation...).
  • Industrial development is widespread, without environmental impact assessment reports or environmental protection commitments...
  • Using banned chemicals in agricultural production.
  • Discharge, dump waste indiscriminately into the environment.

2.3. Spatial development orientation of region 3:

Including: (8 communes) Tho Vinh, Dong Thanh, Phu Thinh, Song Mai, Hung An, Mai Dong, Ngoc Thanh, Duc Hop.

Area scale: 5,042.19 ha

Current population: 50,559 people

Planned population size 2035: 65,000 people

Development orientation:



Specific regulations


Management regulations



  • Characteristics: This is an area with favorable conditions such as relatively flat terrain, infrastructure such as transportation, irrigation (with the Red River flowing through), convenient electricity and postal and telecommunications networks...
  • Main functions: Including existing village areas for renovation and embellishment, Tho Vinh new urban area, eco-tourism area along the Red River


  • Land area 5,042.19ha
  • Planned population 2035: 65,000 people

Space organization

- Forming Tho Vinh urban area towards developing into a town with urban level IV. Tho Vinh urban area will be the driving force for development in the northern area of ​​Kim Dong district.

- Continue to improve industrial parks and clusters in zone 3 towards clean, friendly and environmentally friendly industrial types.

- Developing agriculture with high technology increases product value and attracts tourists.

- Upgrading social and technical infrastructure for all urban and suburban areas in the sub-region.

- Renovation and beautification of existing urban and village areas.

- Harmonious development between urbanization and protection, adaptation to climate change

Public works in the central area are renovated or newly built with a block-shaped construction form and modern architecture, including the following functions: Conference center, multi-purpose cultural house, gymnasium, cinema, stadium and sports complex...

In front of some important projects, the central area of ​​the park is designed as a meeting square, outdoor performances during holidays or political and cultural activities.

Forming and completing urban and regional parks and sports green areas on the basis of natural water surfaces.

Parks, green areas, and flower gardens are researched and fully exploited the existing water surface space, creating landscape axes combined with walking spaces. Here, recreational activities are arranged to serve many ages.

For the old village area, the renovation is in the direction of strengthening the technical infrastructure system, traffic, green trees and social infrastructure, maintaining the old village structure: low construction density, many gardens, traditional architectural forms. Creating buffer zones between the new high-rise urban development area and the old village area to create a harmonious gradual transition in space as well as solve problems of technical infrastructure.

Newly built residential areas are built with low-rise ecological housing, low construction density, modern architectural form, and encourage the use of local materials.

  • Other communal house and pagoda relics are restored and managed in terms of architectural form and height and distance of surrounding structures so as not to affect the landscape of the relic site.

Technical infrastructure


  • Comply with traffic planning and land use planning established in approved planning projects.
  • External traffic system: Must reserve enough land and ensure safety corridors according to regulations for the external traffic system identified in the project. Have a plan to set up boundary markers to manage safety corridors according to regulations.
  • Urban road system: must comply with management requirements for urban road systems according to current regulations.
  • There is a plan to establish, appraise, and approve documents for marking urban traffic routes to organize marking on-site, serving construction management and preventing encroachment.
  • Road protection range

 + For extra-urban roads: ensure the protection corridor of roads according to the provisions of the Road Traffic Law, Decree No. 11/2010/ND-CP dated February 24, 2010 of the Government on management and protection of road traffic infrastructure and Decree No. 100/2013/ND-CP dated September 3, 2013 of the Government on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of Decree No. 11/2010/ND-CP dated February 24, 2010 of the Government on management and protection of road traffic infrastructure.

 + For urban roads: must comply with red line boundaries and construction boundaries of routes according to approved planning.

  • Waterway protection scope:

Comply with the provisions of the Law on Inland Waterways No. 23/2004/QH11 and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law.

  • Internal and external traffic routes comply with approved plans, specifically:

a. Foreign traffic:

The route connecting the two expressways Hanoi-Hai Phong and Phap Van-Cau Gie: Implemented according to (the general planning for the construction of the road connecting the two expressways - approved by Decision 175/QD-UBND dated January 13, 2017). Meets urban level I standards with a cross-section of 80m.

National Highway 39A: expected cross-section size is 44m (according to the general planning for the construction of the road connecting the two highways - approved by Decision 175/QD-UBND dated January 13, 2017).

b. Internal transportation:

Upgrading and renovating district roads to meet grade IV road standards

Upgrading, renovating and building new main routes of urban areas and industrial parks. Estimated cross-section size is 25-34m.

Upgrading and renovating combined with new construction of regional road network. Estimated cross-section size 17.5-24m.

c. Static traffic:

Construct centralized parking lots to meet the needs of temporary and regional parking. The specific location and scale of these centralized parking lots will be determined precisely in the planning projects in the next phase.

d. Waterway transport:

Dredging channels on Cuu An River and Dien Bien River to meet level 5 river standards to ensure 150-ton ships can navigate.

e. Red line boundary:

Red line boundaries are determined based on the planned road centerline, road cross-section width and interpolation determined directly on the drawing.

Construction elevation:

  • Controlled ground leveling elevation Hxd ≥ 3.2m; sloping towards rivers and drainage canals in the area. This area has relatively flat terrain, favorable for construction, elevation from 1.6-3.0m.
  • Existing villages in the area are kept at the same built-up elevation, interspersed areas have the current elevation lower than the surrounding built-up elevation, when constructed, they are renovated in the direction of raising the elevation to match the existing stable construction works around and the existing rainwater drainage system, avoiding loss of traditional structural space.

Rainwater drainage:

  • The current area uses a shared drainage system, moving towards semi-private.
  • The area planned for new construction uses a semi-private drainage system.
  • Concentrated Industrial Areas use separate drainage systems.
  • The main drainage direction is to the Cuu An, Dien Bien, Dong Lo, Dong Xa - Tinh Ninh rivers and then to the Red River.

Water supply

  • Restrict and strictly control connection points from main transmission and distribution pipelines. The protection area of ​​the main water supply and distribution pipeline is at least 0.5m. Water plant protection area: Within 30m from the foot of the wall of the treatment works, a protective fence must be built around the station area. Inside this fence, no houses, entertainment, living, or sanitation facilities can be built.

Power supply:

  • The medium voltage, low voltage and lighting grid systems of the urban development area are arranged underground in technical tunnels or technical trenches to ensure urban aesthetics. For each plot of land, RMU cabinets are arranged, from the RMU cabinets, medium voltage branches are built to supply electricity to low voltage stations.
  • This ring network can be supplied by 2 110kV transformer stations or by 2 busbars of 110kV station with 2 transformers. To ensure the development reserve and reserve power supply for loads of other lines in case of incidents, the medium voltage trunk lines in normal mode are only designed to carry 60-75% load. Thus, each output line carries no more than 8MW load.
  • In non-urban areas, medium-voltage, low-voltage and lighting grid systems are arranged above ground along newly planned roads.
  • The low voltage station uses a 22/0.4kV station, the station structure uses a kiosk station, a single-pole station, a construction station, the use of kiosk stations is encouraged to ensure aesthetics, the station location is located in a public green area in the load center. The power supply radius is not more than 300m.
  • Concentrated lighting for administrative areas and traffic routes.

Contact information:

  • Switching and Post Office: Space and premises are used to provide signals and information. The use of internal switchboards in this area is encouraged.
  • Transmission and peripheral network: Arranged underground in tunnels. If technically guaranteed, tunnels can be shared with other infrastructure to ensure urban aesthetics and save land resources. Cable cabinets and cable boxes use compact external panels, arranged close to the construction fence.
  • Transceiver Station (BTS): The location of the transceiver stations is arranged in central areas, the size of the station is suitable to be able to develop into a satellite switchboard. Encourage suppliers and operators to share the transceiver stations.


  • Urban areas: separate drainage system.
  • Rural areas: common drainage system; utilize canals, ditches, ponds, lakes for biological treatment under natural conditions. Gradually build semi-separate drainage systems.
  • Concentrated livestock farm: using biogas tank.
  • Medical center area: separate drainage system.
  • Industrial park: separate drainage system, centralized treatment.

Solid waste management

  • Solid waste in the area is thoroughly classified at source according to its nature; collected and transported to solid waste treatment areas according to regulations.
  • Normal, non-hazardous domestic, medical and industrial solid waste is brought to the province's centralized solid waste treatment area.
  • Hazardous industrial and medical solid waste is collected through separate channels and transported to Thung Dam Gai Waste Treatment Area, Thanh Thuy Commune, Thanh Liem District.
  • Continue to use solid waste collection points according to the new rural planning project.


  • Do not build new burial cemeteries in urban areas; expand burial cemeteries to ensure safe distances for environmental hygiene according to regulations.
  • Existing cemeteries located in urban areas must stop burial activities (burial, cremation...), reorganize to be spacious and clean, and must have green isolation corridors and technical treatment systems to ensure environmental sanitation conditions.
  • The need for cemetery land for burial will be met at the province's centralized cemetery.
  • Encourage people to use cremation.

Environmental protection

  • Water resource protection:
  • New urban areas: construction requires investment in separate water treatment systems for each area, or small-scale septic tank systems before discharging into the urban drainage and water treatment system.
  • Rural areas: invest in building septic tanks to locally treat wastewater and then discharge it into the general drainage system.
  • Industrial clusters must regularly conduct periodic environmental controls to warn and remind facilities.
  • For medical and industrial wastewater: 100% treatment at source and responsibility belongs to the emission unit.
  • Air environment protection:
  • Protect green trees and water systems.
  • Establish a green tree system and retaining walls in residential areas, along both river banks, around industrial parks and hospitals.
  • Orientation of clean technology production, gas control in industrial parks and clusters; development of public transport.
  • Strengthen inspection and take measures to limit construction dust at construction sites and vehicles transporting construction materials and waste. 100% of construction sites must be covered and dust reduction measures applied. Construction materials, waste soil and waste must be transported by specialized vehicles to ensure that they do not fall onto the road.
  • Soil environment protection:
  • Classify and collect solid waste, plan solid waste collection points at appropriate locations, and control cemetery waste.
  • Urban development needs to take into account climate change, environmental risks and disasters. Increase tree planting in areas at risk of environmental disasters.
  • Propagating and educating people's awareness in waste classification (3R campaign...), socializing waste collection and treatment in the district.
  • Investigate and survey areas with high geological risks (subsidence, landslides...) and do not build on alluvial soil that has been deposited for less than 50 years.

Main technical and economic indicators

  • Water supply standards for daily life (Qsh): Urban areas: 120-150 liters/person/day; Rural areas: 80-100 liters/person/day
  • Public water supply standard: 10%Qsh
  • Power supply: 120 –500 W/person
  • Public electricity supply (15-30)% of household electricity load.
  • Drainage:
  • Urban: 120÷140 l/person/day (Collection rate ≥90%)
  • Rural: 100÷120 l/person/day (Collection rate ≥80%)
  • Public, services: 10%Q SH
  • Small industry: 8%Q SH
  • Concentrated industrial park: 25 m 3 / Ha (Collection rate ≥70%)
  • CTR generated: 10% CTRsh
  • Urban: 0.8÷0.9 kg/ (Collection rate ≥90%)
  • Rural: 0.7÷0.8 l/person/day (Collection rate ≥80%)
  • Public, services: 10%Q SH
  • Small industry: 5%Q SH
  • Construction: 25%Q SH
  • Concentrated industrial park: 0.2 Ton/Ha (Collection rate 100%)
  • Cemetery: 0.06Ha/1000 people.


  • Ecological architectural solutions, energy saving and sustainable development. Adapting to existing natural conditions in the area.
  • Apply modern, intelligent scientific technology.
  • Choose architectural solutions, planning, and construction materials that are suitable for local cultural characteristics and sustainable in the long term.
  • Build separate wastewater collection and treatment systems for new construction areas; industrial parks and clusters; tourist areas. Thoroughly treat wastewater according to regulations.
  • 100% of wastewater treatment facilities use septic tanks before discharging into the drainage network.
  • Classify solid waste at source according to its nature, collect and thoroughly treat solid waste according to regulations.
  • Use cremation.
  • Urban development needs to pay attention to climate change; investigate and survey areas at risk of environmental risks and disasters. Increase tree planting in areas at risk of environmental disasters.
  • Periodically monitor soil, water and air environments to take control measures if pollution occurs.
  • Use clean energy instead of fossil energy.
  • Protecting dykes, flood escape corridors, and protection corridors for technical infrastructure routes.


  • Activities affecting traffic safety
  • Construction works violating safety corridors, protection of national defense and security works, relics, technical infrastructure, landscape, environment, etc.   
  • The scale of the project is too small, below current construction standards and regulations.
  • Construction usage indicators are below or exceed current construction standards and regulations.
  • Using heavy vehicles that cause noise, environmental sanitation, and landscape pollution, except for specialized vehicles (fire protection, ambulance, national defense, environmental sanitation...).
  • Industrial development is widespread, without environmental impact assessment reports or environmental protection commitments...
  • Using banned chemicals in agricultural production.
  • Discharge, dump waste indiscriminately into the environment.


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