Invitation To Bid ( ITB, Tender Notice)

Package: Procurement of equipment for the Nursing Center for Meritorious People in Vinh Long province

Find: 10:35 19/04/2024
Tender ID
IB2400091435-00First notice.
Notice Status
Procurement Category
Name of project
Procurement of equipment for the Nursing Center for Meritorious People in Vinh Long province
Name of Tender Notice
Package: Procurement of equipment for the Nursing Center for Meritorious People in Vinh Long province
Contractor Selection Plan ID
Spending Category
Mandatory spending
Domestic/ International
Funding source
Funding source supported by the Ministry of National Defense in Official Dispatch No. 3274/CS-HP is 4,000,000,000 VND
Within the scope of the Law on Bidding
Single Stage Single Envelope
Contract Type
All in One
Contract Period
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Contractor selection methods
Competitive Offer
Time of bid closing
09:00 26/04/2024
Validity period of E-HSDT
90 days
Approval ID
Approval date
17/04/2024 10:24
Approval Entity
Sở Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội tỉnh Vĩnh Long
Approval Documents

Downloading files directly on the new Public Procurement System requires a computer using the Windows operating system and needs to install Client Agent software (Linux and MacOS cannot download Client software yet). ). Therefore, to be able to download files on smartphones, tablets or computers using operating systems other than Windows, you need to use our
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File can only be downloaded on Windows computers using Agent, please see instructions here!!
In case it is discovered that the BMT does not fully attach the E-HSMT file and design documents, the contractor is requested to immediately notify the Investor or the Authorized Person at the address specified in Chapter II-Data Table in E- Application form and report to the Procurement News hotline: 02437.686.611

Participating in tenders

Bidding method
Tender documents submission start from
10:34 19/04/2024
09:00 26/04/2024
Document Submission Fees
220.000 VND
Tender Document Submission at
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Bid award

Award date
09:00 26/04/2024
Awarded at
Price Tender value
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Amount in text format
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Estimated Tender value
Bid Opening Result
See details here . If you want to receive automatic bid opening notification via email, please upgrade your VIP1 account .
Bid award
No results. Upgrade to a VIP1 account to receive email notifications as soon as the results are posted.

Bid Security

Amount of money
10.000.000 VND
Amount in text format
Ten million dong

Bidding documents

Downloading files directly on the new Public Procurement System requires a computer using the Windows operating system and needs to install Client Agent software (Linux and MacOS cannot download Client software yet). ). Therefore, to be able to download files on smartphones, tablets or computers using operating systems other than Windows, you need to use our
Our system will help you download files faster, on any device without installing Client Agent.
To download, please Login or Register

File can only be downloaded on Windows computers using Agent, please see instructions here!!
In case it is discovered that the BMT does not fully attach the E-HSMT file and design documents, the contractor is requested to immediately notify the Investor or the Authorized Person at the address specified in Chapter II-Data Table in E- Application form and report to the Procurement News hotline: 02437.686.611

List of goods:

Form No. 01A – Goods list:

Number Category Amount Calculation Unit Description Execution location The earliest delivery date The latest delivery date Note
1 BÀN UỐNG NƯỚC NGOÀI SẢNH (Gồm 01 bàn + 08 ghế) 4 Bộ Theo quy định tại Chương V
2 BÀN TRANG ĐIỂM PHÒNG NGỦ (Gồm 01 bàn + 01 ghế) 47 Bộ Theo quy định tại Chương V Trung tâm Điều dưỡng người có công tỉnh Vĩnh Long. Địa chỉ: số 68 khóm Tân Thuận An, Phường Tân Ngãi, Thành phố Vĩnh Long, tỉnh Vĩnh Long 10 30
3 KỆ ĐỂ GIÀY DÉP 47 Cái Theo quy định tại Chương V Trung tâm Điều dưỡng người có công tỉnh Vĩnh Long. Địa chỉ: số 68 khóm Tân Thuận An, Phường Tân Ngãi, Thành phố Vĩnh Long, tỉnh Vĩnh Long 10 30
4 KIẾNG MẶT BÀN 20 Cái Theo quy định tại Chương V Trung tâm Điều dưỡng người có công tỉnh Vĩnh Long. Địa chỉ: số 68 khóm Tân Thuận An, Phường Tân Ngãi, Thành phố Vĩnh Long, tỉnh Vĩnh Long 10 30

Bidding party analysis

Data analysis results of software for bid solicitors COVICO CONSULTANT INVESTMENT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED as follows:

  • Has relationships with 419 contractor.
  • The average number of contractors participating in each bidding package is: 1.95 contractors.
  • Proportion of bidding fields: Goods 33.60%, Construction 47.08%, Consulting 7.44%, Non-consulting 11.87%, Mixed 0%, Other 0%.
  • The total value according to the bidding package with valid IMP is: 1,346,284,253,897 VND, in which the total winning value is: 1,269,522,261,787 VND.
  • The savings rate is: 5.70%. software reads from national bidding database

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