Bidder Selection Plan

Decision approving the contractor selection plan Bidding package: Consulting on preparing an economic - technical report for the project: Repairing the administrative house, multi-purpose house, concrete yard floor of Nho Quan A High School.

Project Contractor selection plan Bid award
Find: 15:23 26/04/2024
Contractor selection plan ID
15:23 26/04/2024
Notice type
Contractor selection plan name
Decision approving the contractor selection plan Bidding package: Consulting on preparing an economic - technical report for the project: Repairing the administrative house, multi-purpose house, concrete yard floor of Nho Quan A High School.
Trường THPT Nho Quan A
Procurement name
Repair of office building, multi-purpose house, concrete yard floor of Nho Quan A High School.
Using ODA capital?
Are not
Funding source
Do not use ODA capital
Shopping budget
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Spending Category
Mandatory spending
Approval Entity
trường THPT Nho Quan A
Approval date
Approval ID
Approval Documents

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In case it is discovered that the BMT does not fully attach the E-HSMT file and design documents, the contractor is requested to immediately notify the Investor or the Authorized Person at the address specified in Chapter II-Data Table in E- Application form and report to the Procurement News hotline: 02437.686.611
List of Bid:
Number of packages: 1
1.Consulting on making economic-technical reports
Tender/ Prequalification Notice ID
Contract Period
45 days
Domestic/ International
Regulatory compliance
Bidding Law
Tender value
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Funding source
Mandatory spending
Contractor Selection Type
Shortened Direct Contracting
Contractor Selection Method
Single Stage Single Envelope
Contractor Selection Period
Q4 2024
Contract Type
All in One
Nho Quan District, Ninh Binh Province
Bidding method

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