4 important tips to help contractors win bids!

Saturday, 09 September 2023 5:00 PM
Any contractor participating in a bid wants to win the bid, so what is the way to win the glory of winning the bid? Please share your experiences with DauThau.info below the article
4 important tips to help contractors win bids!

Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt

What are the conditions for winning a bid?

First of all, let's find out what the conditions are for winning the bid. This is clearly stipulated in Article 42 and Article 43 of the 2013 Bidding Law, specifically:

Article 42. Approval of winning bids for bidding to provide consulting services
1. Consulting contractors are organizations that are considered and recommended for winning the bid when they fully meet the following conditions:
a) Have valid bidding documents and proposal documents;
b) Have technical proposals that meet the requirements;
c) Have the lowest bid price after error correction, deviation adjustment, minus discount value (if any) according to the lowest price method; has the highest technical scores for the fixed price method and the technical-based method; has the highest composite score for the combined technical and price approach;
d) Have the winning bid price not exceeding the approved bid package price. In case the approved bidding package estimate is lower or higher than the approved bidding package price, this estimate will replace the bidding package price as the basis for approving the winning bid.
2. Consulting contractors are individuals who are considered and recommended for winning the bid when they fully meet the following conditions:
a) Have the best scientific background and technical proposals (if any) and meet the requirements of the terms of reference;
b) Have the winning bid price not exceeding the approved bid package price. In case the approved bidding package estimate is lower or higher than the approved bidding package price, this estimate will replace the bidding package price as the basis for approving the winning bid.
3. For contractors not selected, the notice of contractor selection results must clearly state the reason the contractor was not successful.

Article 43. Approval of winning bids for bidding for provision of non-consulting services, procurement of goods, construction and installation, mixed services
1. Contractors providing non-consulting, goods procurement, construction, and mixed services will be considered and proposed to win the bid when they fully meet the following conditions:
a) Have valid bidding documents and proposal documents;
b) Have the capacity and experience to meet the requirements;
c) Have technical proposals that meet the requirements;
d) There is a deviation of not more than 10% of the bid price;
d) Have the lowest bid price after error correction, deviation adjustment, minus discount value (if any) for the lowest price method; has the lowest evaluated price according to the evaluated price method; has the highest composite score for the combined technical and price approach;
e) Have a winning bid price that does not exceed the approved bid package price. In case the approved bidding package estimate is lower or higher than the approved bidding package price, this estimate will replace the bidding package price as the basis for approving the winning bid.

2. For contractors not selected, the notice of contractor selection results must clearly state the reason the contractor was not successful.

Thus, depending on the type of bidding package, there are different conditions, but in general, it is necessary to have a valid bid dossier, a proposal that meets the requirements, capacity and experience that meets the requirements, and an estimated price. Most competitive bid. 

4 tips contractors need to master

From the above basic regulations, combined with practical experience over many years of participating in bidding, we offer the following 4 important tips for you to have the best bid:

1. Prepare documents for valid bids

It is necessary to prepare important documents to ensure valid bids such as Business registration, establishment registration; Review financial reports, ensure your business is not dependent on accounting; There are no problems related to tax debt or debts that could lead to bankruptcy; Check whether you have registered on the national bidding system; The bid guarantee must have value and duration consistent with the requirements, and must contain no errors regarding the beneficiary or other conditions that are disadvantageous to the bidding party.
The bid form needs to be reviewed according to the form, avoid including conditions different from the requirements, and do not offer two prices for a bidding package with only 1 part.

2. Write appropriate proposals and technical requirements

We have had many articles with suggestions and instructions on this issue. Here we just reiterate that we need to read the beginning of the article carefully. Especially for bidding packages using the scoring method, you must consider the minimum required score for each item, try to write clearly, coherently and logically for each item as well as throughout the dossier. Take advantage of the respective strengths (if any) to achieve the highest score in each item. For bidding packages requiring a "pass-fail" format, it is necessary to carefully propose each item to be evaluated as "pass".

3. Search for information and evaluate competitors

Information about competitors is often very difficult, especially for online bidding. Understanding competitors is always the desire of contractors to come up with appropriate pricing strategies. Currently, there is no software or application that can help other than our VIP3 package. will provide suggestive information to contractors about possible competitors (Please note suggestive information about possible competitors).

4. Develop appropriate bid prices

When building the bid price, the first thing we must always look at is the bid package price (approved bid package estimate) as a ceiling so that it cannot (should) be exceeded. It is sometimes not the right time to figure out the bid package price. Everything is easy for contractors, but if you are a member and have participated in software packages (VIP1, VIP2...), checking the price of the bidding package is very easy.
From internal information related to your products, services or supply capabilities, combined with external information collected, you need to make a decision on the bidding price, this should also ensure The secret is that as few people know as possible or only the highest authority person in the contractor knows (The construction of the participation price is public, but when bidding, there is also a discount letter/discount item decided by the decision maker).
Bidding prices need to be competitive, for the lowest evaluation method, it must be considered what is the lowest price, for the general evaluation method, advantages (sometimes also disadvantages) must be taken into account. of technical scores and price points to calculate how their combined score is the highest. In this case, the contractor must estimate what his technical score is to determine from there. appropriate bid price.
Above is an article sharing our experience to help contractors have the highest chance of winning the bid. If you need information about the service packages provided by DauThau.info, please contact us via:

Author: Linh Hồ Thị

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