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Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
The 2023 Bidding Law was passed by the XV National Assembly at its 5th session, effective from January 1, 2024, and replaces the 2013 Bidding Law.
The 2023 Bidding Law consists of 10 Chapters with 96 Articles, regulating state management over bidding activities; the authority and responsibility of agencies, organizations, and individuals in bidding activities; bidder selection activities; and investor selection activities for business investment projects.
Below are the 7 latest bidding guidelines of 2024 that would like to share with you.
Decree 23/2024/ND-CP effective from February 27, 2024, details certain articles and measures for implementing the Bidding Law regarding investor selection for projects requiring bidding according to sectoral and field management laws.
This Decree consists of 10 Chapters with 67 Articles and applies to packages in the following projects:
On February 27, 2024, the government officially issued Decree 24/2024/ND-CP, detailing certain articles and measures for implementing the Bidding Law regarding bidder selection, replacing Decree 63/2014/ND-CP.
Decree 24/2024/ND-CP consists of 12 Chapters with 134 Articles, covering six main groups of issues:
On March 6, 2024, the Minister of Planning and Investment issued Circular 02/2024/TT-BKHDT regulating training activities, knowledge enhancement, and the examination, issuance, and revocation of professional certificates in bidding.
Circular 02/2024/TT-BKHDT consists of 6 Chapters with 39 Articles, including regulations on professional certificates in bidding as follows:
The professional bidding certificate is issued by the Ministry of Planning and Investment or the provincial Department of Planning and Investment to individuals who pass the exam with a score of over 50% of the total points.
The exam structure includes four parts:
Circular 03/2024/TT-BKHDT issued by the Ministry of Planning and Investment on March 6, 2024, regulates the bidding document templates for investor selection for projects requiring bidding according to sectoral and field management laws, including:
Reference: Template for Invitation for Expression of Interest in Bidder Selection Bidding
Circular 05/2024/TT-BKHDT effective from April 19, 2024, regulates the management and use of costs in bidder and investor selection on the national bidding system.
Circular 05/2024/TT-BKHDT consists of 4 Chapters with 10 Articles, covering content related to collection, expenditure principles, collection levels, organization of collection, payment, use, and management of collected costs.
Reference: Costs for Online Bidder and Investor Selection According to Circular 05/2024/TT-BKHDT
Circular 06/2024/TT-BKHDT , effective from April 26, 2024, provides detailed guidance on supplying and posting bidder selection information and bidding document templates on the national bidding network system.
Circular 06/2024/TT-BKHDT replaces Circular Circular 01/2024/TT-BKHDT with new points such as:
Circular 07/2024/TT-BKHDT, effective from June 15, 2024, details templates for request documents, evaluation reports, appraisal reports, inspection reports, and reports on the implementation of bidding activities.
Circular 07/2024/TT-BKHDT includes 17 templates:
And 8 appendices including appendices 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Reference: NEW! Circular 07/2024/TT-BKHDT Issued, Regulating the Templates for Reports on the Evaluation of Bidding Activity Implementation
The 2023 Bidding Law and accompanying decrees and circulars have brought significant improvements to the bidding activities in Vietnam, particularly in terms of transparency, efficiency, and fairness. Additionally, the issuance of accompanying decrees and circulars plays a crucial role in completing the legal framework for bidding, helping bidders and inviting parties avoid confusion due to a lack of specific guidance after the 2023 Bidding Law was issued.
For support in providing software solutions related to the bidding sector or consulting on bidding situations, please contact via:
Author: Tuấn Trần Vũ
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