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Users can refer to the video below for guidance on creating an expert Team on the new National Bidding Network System and follow the instructions.
Video instructions on creating expert teams on the new national bidding network system (Source: National bidding network system)
Step 1: Log in to the system as a bid solicitor ⇒ Select Electronic Bidding
Step 2: In the left menu, the user selects Bidding Process according to Bidding Law ⇒ Choose Preparation, Organization of Contractor Selection ⇒ Select Expert Team ⇒ Choose Create New.
Figure 1. Select Create Expert Team
Step 3: The system displays a form to create new Expert Team information. The user then searches for the corresponding tender notice for the expert Team ⇒ Click Select. Then fill in the required information fields on the form. (Note: In the account information section, select the account of the expert Team leader) ⇒ Click Save.
Picture 2. Enter complete information about the expert group and then click Save
Step 4: After successfully creating the expert Team, the user can perform edit or delete tasks with corresponding operational statuses.
Picture 3. Edited and deleted expert team information after successfully creating
The expert Team can be created before or after bid opening, and each case will have different display statuses, specifically:
If the expert Team is established before bid opening, the status will be: Not yet effective.
Once the bid solicitor successfully opens bids on the system, it will automatically change to the status: Currently effective.
Once the bid solicitor completes the public announcement of contractor selection results on the system, the status will change to: No longer effective.
The information of the expert Team leader is automatically taken from the Account Information associated with that Team and cannot be edited. To change the Team leader's information, you must change the information of the selected account or select a different account.
If you modify the information of the Team Leader after the expert Team has saved evaluation data, the ongoing evaluation data will be transferred to the new account, and the new expert Team account will continue to evaluate the data.
Ensure the effectiveness of the business account selected as the expert Team. If the account is no longer effective or not yet effective, it will not be allowed to enter evaluation information for the bidding package.
It is mandatory to create an expert Team for all tender packages under the scope of the Bidding Law with online bidding form. Even if the bid solicitor directly evaluates, this information must be entered as it is the basis for assigning rights and securing evaluation information.
Above is the complete guide on creating an expert Team on the new National Bidding Network System from We hope our shared information helps you easily perform the steps to create an expert Team. If you have any questions or need support during online bidding, please contact via the hotline 0904 634 288 or email: [email protected].
Author: Nguyen Thuy
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