Instructions for creating a sub-task account on the National Procurement Network

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 10:09 AM
The following article will guide users in detail on the steps to create a professional account on the new national bidding network system. Follow along to learn how to do it!
Instructions for creating a sub task account on the National Procurement Network
Instructions for creating a sub task account on the National Procurement Network

Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt

Video Instructions for creating professional accounts on the National Procurement Network

Here is a video on how to create a professional account on the National Procurement Network. We invite you to consult!

Video on how to create a professional account on the National Procurement Network (Source: National Procurement Network)

Participating account, professional account on the National Procurement Network

For the purpose of helping users manage the unit's data uniformly, while ensuring flexibility and convenience when participating in activities on the system. The new national bidding network system allows participating accounts to create professional accounts to perform necessary operations.

Participant account is an account issued by the National Procurement Network after the user's account registration request is approved. Each tax code has only 1 participating account.

Business account is created by the participating account and can perform functions according to the authorization allowed by the participating account. Usually, a participating account can create many business accounts.

When creating a business account, users should note some rules as follows:

  • Only participating accounts can create business accounts.
  • Accounts in the same organization cannot have the same ID/CCCD/Passport number.
  • Effective of business accounts: Business accounts are valid from “Assignment effective date” to “Assignment effective date” . Before the effective time, the account will not be activated. 

Steps to create a professional account on the National Procurement Network

The steps to create a business account are as follows: 

  • Step 1: User logs into the system as Contractor => Select module User Management ⇒ Select Manage business accounts ⇒ Select button Add account.
Add Business Account
Add Business Account
  • Step 2: Here, the user enters the account user information on request. 
Enter the required information
Enter the required information

***Note: In this section people Users can assign the digital certificate that the participating account is using to the business account or leave it blank for the business account to register its own digital certificate.

Select Digital certificate
Select Digital certificate
  • Step 3: After filling in all the information, the user switches to the Permissions tab to perform the decentralization of the business account. Here, you make a selection of the permissions you want to assign ⇒ Click Save.

    Business account authorization
    Business account authorization

On the effective date of the account, the system will email the login information according to the email of the user of that professional account. In case the user wants to deactivate the business account, the user should update the assignment expiration date.

The above is's share on how to create a professional account on the National Procurement Network. Hope this article will be useful to you. During the bidding process, if you have any questions that need support, please contact immediately at the hotline 0904.634.288 or email [email protected] for advice and dedicated support.

Author: Nguyen Thuy

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