Guide to Account Migration and Updating Information on the New National E-Procurement System

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 9:09 AM
In this article, continues to guide you on how to migrate accounts and update information on the new System of the national procurement network.
Instructions to convert accounts  & update information on the new national procurement system
Instructions to convert accounts & update information on the new national procurement system

Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
Account Migration and updating information on the new e-GP National Procurement Network System before August 1st, 2022, is a requirement of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, as per document number No. 4229/BKHĐT-QLĐT

Guide to Logging into the New National E-Procurement System

To log in and proceed with account Migration on the new e-GP System, access the email sent to the legal representative and the Person in Charge of Procurement Operations. In the login section, click 'here' as shown below. If you haven't received this email, follow the instructions: How to handle email account of the new national bidding network system.

chuyển đổi tài khoản
Email to switch accounts from the National Procurement Network

To perform the following steps on the new eGP System, you must set up your computer environment as instructed:: Environmental setup guide for new national bidding network system (eGP-Agent installation).

Steps to Log into the New National E-Procurement System

Step 1: Access the new e-GP System at:
At the interface login, enter your account information including: Username, Password, and click Login. (Check this information in the email sent to the legal representative and the Person in Charge of Procurement Operations to access the current IE system for information.) Then, input the verification code sent to the email address of the Person in Charge of Procurement Operations.

đăng nhập
Login interface on the new national bidding network
Step 2: Check this information in the email sent to the legal representative and the Person in Charge of Procurement Operations to access the current IE system for information. Then, input the verification code sent to the email address of the Person in Charge of Procurement Operations
xác thực thông tin
The system sends the verification code via email

Guide to Account Migration and Updating Information on the New National E-Procurement System

After successfully logging into the new National Procurement Network System as instructed above, to migrate accounts and update information, proceed with the following steps:

Step 1: Select a profile. 

Check the selected role on the screen. If incorrect, contact the Online National Procuring Center via Hotline 1900.6126 for assistance. If correct, click continue to proceed to the next step.

Check the selected role on screen
Check role is checked for role

Step 2: Update information. 

Check the converted account information, input additional or edited data. Make sure to enter all fields marked with (*) and review all information to avoid omissions.

cập nhật thông tin
Check and update information on System
Kiểm tra toàn bộ thông tin
Check all information updated by System

After checking, click 'Save', and the System will send a new email containing a verification code. Input the verification code, similar to what was done in the login step.

Step 3: Print the request form

After verifying, proceed to Step 3: Print the Request Form. Select 'Export PDF' to print the request form. Sign, stamp, scan, and attach it in Step 4.

Step 4: Submit profile 

You must attach the 'Request Form' file and other documents proving the up-to-date information. Select Save then Send. 

Send profile
Send request form

Once we submit the application, within 2 working days, the request will be reviewed and approved by the National Procurement Center. The request after being approved for the account will be notified via email to the Notice Recipient and Legal Representative.

Thus, has guided you on how to migrate accounts and update information on the new System of the national procurement network. We will continue to update information and provide instructions for Bid solicitor/contractors to easily participate in e-GP bidding on the new System in upcoming articles.Also, if you have any questions about using the software, please contact via:

Author: Nguyen Thuy

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