Instructions for investors to post development investment projects on the new National Procurement System e-GP

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 10:12 AM
In order to post investment and development projects for investors on the national bidding network system, you need to follow the steps that shares immediately below. Follow along to see how the steps are done.
Instructions for investors to post development investment projects  on the new National Procurement System e-GP

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Video tutorial detailing how to post development investment projects for investors

Users can refer to the video on how to upload investment and development projects for investors below and follow.

Video tutorial detailing how to post development investment projects for investors (Source: National bidding network system)

Step-by-step instructions for posting development investment projects

For more details on the steps to post development investment projects for investors, will specifically list 6 implementation steps. down here. Specifically:

  • Step 1: User logs into the national bidding network system join as investor => Select E-Bidding

  • Step 2: Next select Select Development investment project => Press the Create Project.
  • button
Picture 1 Creating a development investment project
Picture 1. Creating a development investment project
  • Step 3: In the Basic Info  of the project, the user needs to enter all required fields with (*) in the form, after entering the information, select Continue........... li>
Picture 2 Enter basic project information then click Continue
Picture 2. Enter basic project information then click Continue
  • Step 4: Enter the required information fields about the project approval decision and attach the project approval decision, then select Continue
Picture 3  Enter the required fields for the project approval decision
Picture 3. Enter the required fields for the project approval decision
  • Step 5:  User selects KHLCNT link (Yes/no) => Select Continue to check and confirm the newly entered information on the development investment project => Select Save.
Picture 4 User selects KHLCNT link
Picture 4. User selects KHLCNT link (Yes/no)
  • Step 6: After creating a successful development investment project, users need to post download by clicking Upload information to the system
Picture 5 Uploading project information
Picture 5. Uploading project information

How to look up/update development investment projects after posting

Guide to look up investment and development projects

  • Step 1: Enter the search information in the box Project code andProject name  => Press the Search button. In addition, the user can also select more criteria in the advanced search by entering the details of the development investment project in the empty boxes such as: Project code; Name of project; Total investment; Project creation date; Posting status; Groupproject => PressSearch
Picture 6 Advanced search for investment development projects
Picture 6. Advanced search for investment development projects
  • Step 2: After searching for information on investment and development projects, to view full information user project click on Project Code. The system will display all information related to the development investment project you are interested in. 

Guide to edit information on development investment projects

To edit the information in the posted development investment project, users only need to select the development investment project to be edited => Select Action Edit => Editing project information => Press Continue.
Picture 7  Select the Edit action to edit the posted development investment project information
Picture 7. Select the Edit action to edit the posted development investment project information

Above are 6 steps to post development investment projects for investors. Hopefully with the above sharing of Participants will be easier to post projects your own on the new national bidding network. 

In the process of participating in online bidding, if you have any questions that need support, please contact via hotline 0904 634 288 or email: [email protected].

Author: Linh Hồ Thị

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