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Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
On December 9, 2022, the national bidding network system officially put into operation the Portal with a different interface special features and many outstanding features, typically a smarter, more convenient search engine, or the feature to track the bid packages that you are participating in, interested in,...
It can be said that, compared with the old bidding system, the new national bidding network system has many differences in terms of interface and features, making it difficult for contractors in the process of manipulation, especially the submission of documents. bid documents online. To solve this problem, in the article below, will provide detailed instructions on how to participate in bids on the new national bidding network system, please continue reading below!
Here is a video to guide bidders to bid on the National Procurement Network. We invite you to consult!
Video instructions for bidders to participate in bidding on the new National Procurement Network
There are 2 ways to access the Bid making function (HSDT).
Option 1: Search for a bid package on the homepage ⇒ Select a bid package ⇒ Submit your bid
Option 2: Login to the system => Select the module Electronic Bidding Select Contractor Selection Process Select Tendering Select Dossier Management Bid ⇒ Select Create E-Bid.
***Note: During bid creation, user must enable Agent
To participate in bidding on the National Procurement Network, users do the following:
Step 1: Search package information by TBMT number ⇒ Next.
Step 2: User selects bid eligibility: Independent Contractor or Contractor joint venture Next.
Step 3: At the interface of the Preparation of Bids page, the contractor needs to complete 02 content: Bid form and form. At the content of the bid form, the bidders check the information, enter the necessary information (if any) and tick the box to commit to bid ⇒ Select Save to complete bid form ⇒ Click the “Make e-Proposal” button to move to the Form.
Step 4: Fill in the Bidding Form information. Then the user checks again at the “Preview” button or submits the bid at the “Submit” button.
*** Special note: Contractor must plug in USB/token Digital Certificate during bid submission
Above is's share on how to bid on the National Procurement Network. Hope this article will be useful to you. During the bidding process, if you have any questions that need support, please contact immediately at the hotline 0904.634.288 - 024.8888.4288 or email [email protected] for consultation, wholehearted support.
Author: Nguyen Thuy
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