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Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
1. In the case of the plan for selection of contractors for development investment when the implementing unit is the bid solicitor and also the investor
This case is similar to the confirmation of the plan to select recurrent expenditure contractors (see: -du-lieu-chuyen-doi-khlcnt-goi-thau-chi-thuong-xuyen-803.html). The difference here is that the implementation role will be the investor.
After confirming the contractor selection plan, the system will assign the bidding package in that contractor selection plan to the same party calling for bids, because in this case the implementing unit is both the owner and the contractor. both the investor and the party inviting bids.
After confirming the transition to the new system, the plans will also be assigned to the bid solicitor to continue to organize the contractor selection for those bidding packages and the status of the contractor selection plan. It is also transferred from pending confirmation to confirmed and confirmed by the investor.
Steps to operate on the eGP system to convert the contractor selection plan for development investment, in case the implementing unit is the bid solicitor as well as the investor
Video instructions for implementation
Step 1: Users access the national bidding network system at the address: and log in with the identity account of the bid solicitor.
Step 2: After logging in as "Investor". On the left menu there will be the e-Bidding module, select the function "Update confirmation of contractor selection plan".
Here the screen displays all investment contractor selection plans that have been converted from the old system to the new system. You can search by plan code or plan name.
Step 3: Click the edit button in the action column. Then the screen displays general information of the plan. You should check the general information and information of the bidding package in the Contractor Selection Plan to see if it is correct or not.
In case the information here is incorrect, please contact the hotline of the national bidding network system: 19006126.
In case the information data is correct, you can press the "Complete additional confirmation" button.
After completion, the system will display the status "Confirmed by the owner". Customers with the status of LCs are often displayed as “Confirmed by the Procuring Entity”.
2. Steps to convert the plan for selecting contractors for development investment expenses, in case the unit of the Procuring Entity is different from the unit of the investor
The prerequisite for implementation is that the investor must be listed on the National Procurement Network.
Video of operation instructions:
Video instructions for implementation
In which, the work of the Procuring Entity is as follows:
Step 1: Users access the national bidding network system at: and log in with the bidding party's identification account.
Step 2: After logging in as "Bidding party". In the left menu there will be the e-Bidding module, select the function "Update confirmation of contractor selection plan".
In the Plan for selecting contractors for development investment expenditure in an unconfirmed state, click on "edit" in the operation column.
Step 3: The bidding party must search for the correct linked project and the correct investor of the contractor selection plan. After the system finds and you select the project and investor, press the "Select" button and the information will be updated in the general information tab.
Step 4: Click “Save” and the information will be updated successfully.
After checking the information of the package information tab, list of packages..., click "Complete additional confirmation". Once completed, the system will send a confirmation email to the investor and wait.
The Investor's responsibilities are as follows:
Step 1: You log in to the System as "Investor", select the function "Update confirmation of contractor selection plan".
The screen will then display a list of Investment Expenditure Contractor Selection Plans, with the Contractor Selection Plan that has just been sent to the investor and is waiting for the investor to confirm after performing the Party's work. tender as above.
Step 2: You click on the general information and bidding package information to check. In the operation column, there will be a confirm button and a decline button.
In case the investor refuses, the system will send a notice to the bid solicitor. The display status is “The Investor has declined”.
In case the investor confirms, the display status is "Confirmed by the investor".
So has guided you to update and confirm the completed investment and development planning plan, implemented on the new eGP national bidding network system. Immediately after completing the above, don't forget to register to use the bidding information "hunting" software - to be able to receive suitable bidding information for your business. will continue to update information and instructions for bidding parties/contractors to participate in bidding on the new e-GP System as easily as possible in the next articles. In addition, if you have any questions, please contact immediately via:
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Hotline: 0904.634.288 or 024.8888.4288
Email: [email protected]
Author: Nguyen Thuy
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