Simplified competitive bidding is one of the simple, cost-effective bidding methods chosen by many businesses. So, what is the process of simplified competitive bidding? Let's find out in the following article from!
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Simplified Competitive Bidding Process
According to the online bidding procedure regulated in Circular 08/2022/TT-BKHĐT, in 2023, the threshold for packages that must be tendered online (via the internet) in competitive bidding is specified. has summarized the process after reading and analyzing Circular 08/2022/TT-BKHĐT, specifically:
Conditions for simplified competitive bidding online:
Not exceeding 500 million VND for service supply packages, consulting and non-consulting services, public services;
Not exceeding 1 billion VND for procurement packages, construction, mixed packages, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, public products;
Not exceeding 100 million VND for packages within regular procurement estimates.
Procedure for implementing simplified competitive bidding online:
Step 1: Release E-Bidding Documents (Request for Proposal)
The bid solicitor issues the E-Bidding Documents free of charge along with the Decision to approve the E-Bidding Documents.
The bid solicitor amends the E-Bidding Documents (if necessary): In case of amendments, the bid solicitor must publish the amendment decision and the modified documents, clearly showing the contents of the amendment.
Clarification of E-Bidding Documents:
In case of need for clarification of E-Bidding Documents, contractors submit requests for clarification to the bid solicitor through the System within a minimum of 03 working days before the bid closing date;
The bid solicitor publishes the document clarifying E-Bidding Documents on the System within a minimum of 02 working days before the bid closing date;
Step 2: Bid Opening
The bid solicitor must conduct the bid opening and publicly disclose the bid opening record on the National Bidding System within a maximum of 02 hours from the bid closing time.
Step 3: Evaluation of E-Bidding Documents (Contractor’s Proposal)
Evaluate the E-Bidding Documents in accordance with the regulations of Clause 3, Article 59, Decree 63/2014/NĐ-CP.
Step 4: Contract Negotiation
The bid solicitor invites the contractor for negotiation and finalization of the contract.
Step 5: Submission, appraisal, approval, and publication of contractor selection results.
Step 6: Finalization and signing of the contract.
Timeline in Simplified Competitive Bidding has summarized the key timeframes in simplified competitive bidding through reading and analyzing Circular 08/2022/TT-BKHĐT, as follows:
The maximum time for E-Bidding Documents evaluation is 10 days, from the deadline for submitting E-Bidding Documents until the bid solicitor submits the proposal for approval of contractor selection results along with the E-Bidding Documents evaluation report;
The maximum time for appraisal of contractor selection results is 04 working days, from the date of receiving the appraisal documents;
The maximum time for approval of contractor selection results is 03 working days, from the date of receiving the proposal for approval of contractor selection results from the bid solicitor and the appraisal report from the appraisal unit.
4 Common Questions about Simplified Competitive Bidding You Need to Know!
Recently, has received many questions about simplified competitive bidding from contractors and bid solicitors. Here are some of the most common questions, let’s check them out!
Common Questions about Streamlined Competitive Bidding
1. Is it possible to rebid when the bid price is higher than the package price in online competitive bidding?
Currently, for online competitive bidding packages, contractors are not allowed to rebid when participating in bidding. Therefore, contractors need to calculate and check carefully before submitting bids to ensure that the bid price does not exceed the package price.
2. Is bid security required for simplified competitive bidding?
Simplified competitive bidding does not require contractors to provide bid security.
3. Does simplified competitive bidding evaluate the contractor's capacity and experience?
Simplified competitive bidding does not evaluate the capacity and experience (Financial Report; Ability to perform similar contracts; Mobilization of personnel, machinery), but only evaluates the price.
4. How do contractors participate in simplified competitive bidding?
Currently, all simplified competitive bidding packages are conducted online. Therefore, once a contractor finds a suitable competitive bidding package and wishes to participate, they simply join the bidding as usual. However, it is important to carefully read the information in the request for proposal to prepare documents according to the requirements.
The above are shares from about the simplified competitive bidding process and common questions when implementing simplified competitive bidding. We hope that this valuable information will help contractors better understand the competitive bidding process, thereby improving their participation in bidding.
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