DauThau.info's bidder Capability Assessment indicator set

Saturday, 29 June 2024 12:04 PM
Through research and data analysis of over 177,000 bidders, DauThau.info is proud to introduce our exclusive bidder capability assessment index. Please see the content below to learn what DauThau.info’s bidder capability assessment index includes!
The Bidder Capability assessment indicators according to DauThau.info
The Bidder Capability assessment indicators according to DauThau.info

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Note that these scores are analyzed by DauThau.info software based on bidding history and company size. However, these scores are relative and cannot precisely determine which bidder is stronger or weaker, nor do they determine the likelihood of winning a bid. When comparing, you should carefully consider various factors such as the specific content of the bidding package and the industry of each company.
DauThau.info's bidder capability assessment indicator set includes 5 indicators:

  1. Experience Capability
  2. Financial Capability
  3. Competitive Capability
  4. Company Size
  5. Violation History
DauThau info's bidder Capability Assessment indicator set
DauThau.info's bidder Capability Assessment indicator set

The bidder capability assessment index is developed based on the analysis of data from over 177,000 bidders. Below, DauThau.info will detail each of these indicators.

1. Experience Capability

The experience capability indicator of the bidder is based on the following indices:

  • The number of years the company has participated in bidding on the National Bidding System
  • The number of bidding packages participated in as an independent bidder
  • The number of bidding packages won as an independent bidder
  • The number of bidding packages participated in as a partnership bidder
  • The number of bidding packages won as a partnership bidder
  • The number of bidding packages lost
  • The number of provinces/cities where the bidder has participated in bidding
  • The average discount rate compared to the estimated price

Based on this indicators, you can assess whether the bidder's experience capability is good or not, thus making decisions about selecting them for the bidding package.

2. Financial Capability

The financial capability indicator is based on the following indices:

  • The total value of bidding packages won as an independent bidder
  • The total value of bidding packages won as a partnership bidder

These indicators directly reflect the value of the contracts the bidder has executed, allowing for the assessment of the bidder's actual capability in mobilizing funds and executing projects.

3. Competitive Capability

The competitive capability indicator is based on the following indices:

  • The number of bidders they have competed against
  • The number of partnership bidder they have participated in

The indices for the number of bidders they have competed against and the number of partnership bidder they have participated in show the bidder's competitive ability in the market. The higher the indicator, the more the bidder has participated in competing for numerous potential projects.

4. Company Size

The company size indicator is based on the following indices:

  • The number of employees
  • The number of years in operation
The number of employees and years in operation are two fundamental factors that reflect the scale of a company's operations. Companies with more employees and longer operational years typically have a larger scale than those with fewer employees and fewer operational years.
This is also one of the important factors in assessing a bidder's capability.

5. Violation History

The violation history indicator is based on the indicator of bidding penalty decisions.

Bidding penalty decisions are legal documents that prove a bidder's violations. Thus, you can use this indicator to assess the extent of a bidder's violations and decide whether to select them for a bidding package.

Above is DauThau.info’s share about the bidder capability assessment indicator. Through this indicator, you can make comparisons and contrasts between bidders, thereby identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each bidder.
If you have any questions about the bidder capability assessment indicator, you can contact DauThau.info via:

 Tags: bidder

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